Karma | Carla Parola Official website Karma – Carla Parola Official website
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The concept of Karma needs to be clarified, as the way you define it is quite misleading. I have already said that to say that there are previous lives is totally absurd. There are no previous lives because the Energy is timeless. Naturally there is neither a previous life or a successive one, there is just Life which takes place on different levels, frequencies and dimensions. What does this mean? It means that our Energy, atoms, and DNA ( but not as you see it through a microscope or analyzed in an earthly way, but on an Energetic level with equipment that we still have not invented) have an imprint with a deficiency or a surplus of “something”.
Let me explain: in the DNA that regards the soma, the physical, there could be a gene that provides certain physical characteristics, or a genetic predisposition concerning both the physical and the person’s attitude. The DNA, seen through the energetic frequency, signals here and there the characteristics of your Life: this is Karma.
For example, you need to undergo some event or cause others to undergo it, like a trauma, or success, or any other kind of experience. This is in your DNA, but as I said before, seen through the energetic frequency. We believe that if a person acts in a certain way towards us, it is because our Karma needs this to happen, but we must realize that we also have the same Karmic need to receive that action, so that we can emit a particular vibration. If we suppose that this person is the same person who harmed us, or we harmed them in a “previous” life, ( remember that the term “previous” is nonsensical, it is better to speak of parallel lives), we get nearer to the truth but not completely.
When we speak of reincarnation we cannot know which of our atoms has been reincarnated, which part of our energetic DNA has taken over a new body. It is an extremely complicated matter that cannot be understood, because Energy has still to be explained.
God, the Vital Force, for thousands of years has allowed this interpretation of karma to continue, to help us understand that we are a part of a Whole, and that everything has a meaning even if often we are unable to understand it.Therefore I understand what is happening to me when I refer to it as part of my Karma.
Up to NOW, one could speak of past or future lives, but NOW that we have acquired knowledge of quantum physics, it is no longer acceptable.
Having understood that Energy has neither time nor space, and the parameters by which it can be assessed are only the frequencies, vibrations and dimensions, one must reason using different terminology.
We are at a moment of transformation, and the terminology of a new way of reasoning is unclear, because although science is searching for an explanation for all this, up to now, it is unable to find it. Consequently we cannot speak of previous lives and we are unable to understand the true meaning of reincarnation. We must limit ourselves to understanding that what Life offers us is natural for us, particularly when events are important and we have not searched for them. If we do search, then we distort the event as the protagonist, but when Life offers us an unseen event, that we have not instigated and finds us unprepared, then we must just accept it. Anyway we have attracted that event, because through it we need to repair a defect or a surfeit in our energetic DNA



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