Innocence | Carla Parola Official website Innocence – Carla Parola Official website
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The most wonderful thing that the human being can do, is to rediscover his innocence.
Why do I say re – discover? Because Innocence is part of the individual’s makeup, he is divine, a spark of the divine and of the Whole, which has Innocence as one of its principle characteristics.
Let me explain what I mean by Innocence.
Innocence is the absence of Malice, of warped thoughts, of personal gain, of ulterior motives, almost I would say, a purity of thought.
Not necessarily must this purity of thought be complicated or deliberately studied: it must simply be rediscovered.
When can a person consider himself innocent?
When he is a true believer in himself, he adheres to everything that comes from his self, without being conditioned by external happenings.
Having said this, it is obvious to everyone, just how complicated it is to be innocent, particularly at this moment on Earth.
All the same, it is very important to be aware that if the human being has lost his innocence through the inculcation of society, then the moment the human being rediscovers his innocence, he has done something amazing, because it is so much more to rediscover your innocence, than merely be innocent, or have always had Innocence within you.
When Innocence is instinctive, like that of a child, it is marvelous, but its vibrational frequency is not very high.
On the other hand, when you rediscover it, sweeping away the conditioning, and everything that society tries to impose on you, and not acting in conformity to the expectations of others, but how you feel is right, then you offer yourself to Life in innocence, and emit a divine vibration of the highest frequency.
At this point let us go back and remember the Kingdom of Heaven and the children, because it is only Innocence that is able to remove all society’s conditioning, together with the anxiety and fear, allowing us to float freely towards Life, and surrender to Her.
This implies an extreme trust in Life, and consequently a sense of responsibility.From this derives an extremely high frequency that is transmitted to those around you, it affects the way people act and above all leads to incredible results. Why is it that when you go towards someone innocently, you have the ability to neutralize his hatred,anger and spiteful thoughts? Because Innocence is one of the strongest vibrations, and is particularly persistent. You cannot be Innocent erratically, because from the moment you rediscover Innocence, you are always innocent, your thoughts are without evil intentions, they are limpid, they are divine.

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