Immersing ourselves in the “New” | Carla Parola Official website Immersing ourselves in the “New” – Carla Parola Official website
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Immersing ourselves in the “New”


Let us relax and concentrate on our breathing…………….
We will start from Silence, an inner profound Silence, and we will try to fill it with the “new”
We will not waste time analyzing the “old” that part of us that has caused us suffering, the things that we feel are still not resolved. The daily problems we face…..let us drown ourselves in this Silence.
A whirlpool is being created, all thoughts are attracted to it, and we forget we even had them.
The “new” is within us: we are one with the best part of ourselves, one with Lightness, we are those that are able to live Life with Relativity.
Within us, light but intense whirls are moving; the intensity comes from the vibration of the “new” that must emerge.
Our personality has vanished: at this moment we are only whirls of Energy.
These vortexes annul the personality; our roles: we are completely remodeled.
There is no resistance: we let this turbine be within us.
It is a strange sensation not to have a personality, not to rely on anything, on our roles, our character, or our certainties.
We cannot think because the whirlpool is so strong.
We cannot depend on anything.
We continue to vibrate in a frenetic way.
We are shaken in the tide of this powerful, compelling, determined Force that is remodeling us.
We have no thoughts, there mustn’t be Anxiety or Fear; we must feel the turbine within us, we are that turbine.
Who controls this turbine? Why is it so imposing, so compelling?
It is so strong and determined because it is driven by Evolution, by the divine part of us that is within and around us, and permeates everything.
It is the part that knows that we can be better than we have ever been.
It is the Force that knows us, that has always spurred us on, that loves us unconditionally, and knows that we are ready to give our best.
The turbine calms down, with Grace and Lightness………and we go back to being steady.
We have a body, we are ourselves without the old Personality.
How can we live without THAT personality?
We can live, allowing the Personality to reveal only the best part of us.
We will not speak any more of virtues or vices, but about characteristics that often we have experienced negatively.
These experiences that we have had, have helped us to know ourselves better, to try to improve, even giving us many delusions too.
However, NOW that a part of us is absolutely positive, and this is the part that we want and must live.
This part of us has the characteristics that have always been ours, of our Personality, but without the negativity that has made us suffer.
We have worked hard on this point, we have committed ourselves to it. NOW is the moment to receive the rewards.
Force yourselves not to think of the past.
The “new” is here, NOW, and in every moment that we decide to love with Awareness.

The vibrations and frequencies on Earth are intensifying, compelling everyone to act in a different way.
To avoid being destabilized, and make this strong vibration your own, you need to live in the NOW.
NOW there is no fear, Anxiety, fear of the future, because Now I live in the Awareness of this moment.
It is natural now to adhere to the “new” because it is the vibration of the Earth that is asking it, enforcing it.
There is just one risk: who obstinately wants to live in the “old” even if he has the Awareness to be able to live in the” new” will have a more difficult life, because he will waver continuously between the two, the Old Paradigm and the new Paradigm.
Let yourselves be guided by Life, by your deepest, truest, most authentic self, that part of you that has worked together with you, that has searched for so many answers, and has struggled so hard to understand what you are, what we all are.
In the “new” way of seeing Life there must be unconditional Love for ourselves, I repeat unconditional.
We cannot expect from ourselves more than we can give ourselves.
We must love and accept ourselves as we are, love the efforts we make to always do better.
Love our mistakes because they are not mistakes but experiences.
We must really love ourselves.
The “new” vibration is one of Love, of Sharing, of participation, abandoning Competition, abuse and envy.
The “new” vibration truly leads us to Harmony with the divine.
I insist again: love yourselves and accept yourselves as you are.
The wish I make for you is just this: never forget that you are part of the divine, you have the duty and the chance of living the divine completely, and this is none other than expressing the best part of yourselves.
Let us try to see ourselves with a “new” Personality: more loving, more cooperative, participating in all the wonderful things that life can give us.
We can help ourselves with “Lightness” and Relativity; not taking ourselves too seriously.
The “new” which we are going to live can also be a source of surprises, because we are not used to certain attitudes, and maybe we will be surprised by our reactions, but it must be a joyful surprise, discovering how much we have improved, that is, how much we are able to live our better part, the part that has always been there but has been suffocated by Fear, Anxiety, Competition and Appearance, the desire to show off, by feelings of guilt, the need to control, by duty, duty, duty that everyone asks of us, and we give in to.
The only real, honest, sound duty that can help us, is to love ourselves.
Secure this resolution within you: I must leave space for the “new” because NOW I am a new person.
At last, I am Aware NOW that I want to live with the best part of me

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