Goodbye to Feeling Guilty | Carla Parola Official website Goodbye to Feeling Guilty – Carla Parola Official website
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Goodbye to Feeling Guilty

We are all DIFFERENT from one another: some of us are tall, others short, some “beautiful” others “ugly” there are those able to do certain things, and others capable of doing different things, and there are also those who have difficulty doing anything at all, each one of us has our own character, energy and characteristics.
We are each an ABSOLUTE that becomes RELATIVE precisely when we CONNECT WITH OTHERS, because in this connection so many things are hidden: comparisons, models, ideals, common opinions. When we relate to others, our individuality can be brought into question, and our identity become diversity.
Immediately then, all kinds of questions begin to arise: who is right and who is wrong, the others or me? Which is the right way to live, societies or mine?
Can a different way of living exist instead of the kind that everyone lives now?
Does my way of being necessitate a specific way of living?
These questions place us in front of an ALTERNATIVE: we can STRUGGLE with ourselves all our life, accepting restrictions, but unsatisfied with what we are, wanting something more, convinced to “not being enough” or “not being like…” with all the inevitable suffering, or ACCEPT ourselves as we are.
If we choose conflict, it is as if we are telling ourselves: I don’t want to be this person, it is unfair that I am like this, my way of being is wrong: I AM ALL WRONG.
If we choose to accept ourselves as we are, it is as if we are simply saying I AM.
Choosing conflict we are also strongly implying that there is also something RIGHT as well as WRONG. Choosing acceptance, we are confirming the certainty that ALL IS.
So what are we going to choose?
If we choose FEAR it will prevent us from expressing “the best part” of us. That which makes us different from the others, but allows us to be ourselves completely, or otherwise the POSSIBILITY to express and experiment this part for ourselves and for others?
What are we going to choose?
Conflict or pace?
Acceptance or refusal?
Restrictions or expression?
Punishment or compassion
Obliged to be or being.

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