God | Carla Parola Official website God – Carla Parola Official website
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I give you the following image, to help you to understand the idea of God.
If you observe the planet Earth, you see that it is clearly a single entity, we cannot say that it is divided, or that there is more than one.
There is one planet Earth, but on the earth, just as there are pigmies, there are also highly industrialized beings who have evolved professionally, materially etc. on the Earth there is everything.
So the idea of God is practically the same thing.
The pigmy observes the earth from his view point and relating to himself, while the highly civilized person who is able to mentally speculate on his surroundings more than the pigmy, will have another vision of the Earth, but nevertheless, the Earth remains a single entity.
Who has a better life, the pigmy or the person able to speculate?
It depends.
If the pigmy is able to be in Harmony with himself, and completely adhere to his real possibilities, without asking himself too many questions, he will be in harmony and thus vibrate to the Divine frequency.
In the same way, the person more intellectually evolved, will be harmonious if he is able to find answers that are appropriate for himself.
On the other hand, if he recognizes intellect as the most important part of his way of living, and pursues its development, stimulating it with continuous questioning, he will reach the point where he loses his harmonious state, and where there are no more answers for him.
This could happen to the pigmy too if, hearing something about electricity, he wants to understand how it works. He is not able to understand because hasn’t got the wherewithal: he has never seen a light switch, and has no idea what it is or how it is made.

This could be one way to discuss the idea of God.
When we define God as Energy, we have said everything, everything we are able to understand.
When we say God is the Whole, we quantify this Energy.
For us, the Whole is everything, it is good and evil, positive and negative and neutral (which is not considered by the human race, but is really the basis of existence): God is all of this.
Referring to us, we are also part of God, because if God is everything, then we are God. How are we God?
Like the pigmy or the evolved person? Like a harmonious pigmy or evolved person, or like a pigmy and evolved person lacking harmony, and always searching for answers they cannot have? This is what we have to ask ourselves.
Therefore it is wise not to go beyond our personal insight, not because we are less intelligent than those who ask themselves questions of a “superior level” but because we can adhere to ourselves, and therefore ask ourselves only questions that are of use to us, and not ridiculous, speculative and useless questions that have no answers.
I am the Whole because I am part of the Whole, I vibrate with the laws of the Whole.
These laws refer to me, a microcosm in the macrocosm.
Then I must try to understand how these laws function, so I can find my own Harmony: at this point I will no longer ask questions out of curiosity, but only those questions that help me strengthen my Self, and reinforce my internal Harmony.



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