Friendship | Carla Parola Official website Friendship – Carla Parola Official website
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Reading this message needs your total concentration.
When we speak of friendship we are talking about the most important thing that can happen to you in Life, on an energetic level.
You think that the most important thing that can happen is Love, to experience Love with another person, but in a different way, I put Friendship before this experience.
Why? Because Love can be considered as an all-embracing vibration that permeates all other vibrations. Generosity, charity, altruism must all be permeated with Love, if these actions are to be lived and administered on a divine level.
Of course Love must permeate Friendship so that everything you wish to give and receive from this relationship is worthy of the divine.
Why do I sustain that Friendship is more important than Love? Because Love is “particular” meaning that Love permeates all the other vibrations, it absorbs their characteristics and leaves its own, to potentialise their intrinsic essence.
Altruism with Love becomes divine, just as generosity does, etc. Without Love it would only be an expression of your personality.
However, the vibration of Love within Friendship is something different, because when we speak of this type of Love, we usually mean a physical and emotional attraction leading to a relationship between two people, which relates more to the personality and less to an energetic level, but when Friendship is with a capital F, it transcends all this and becomes the strongest vibration you can express.
Why? Because in Friendship you are not conditioned by anything.
Naturally I am referring to what REAL Friendship should be and not one of personal advantage.
When there is the ability to relate to another person without judgment or self interest or prejudice, then there is a real true Friendship.
It often happens that even an authentic Friendship can end, because its purpose in that moment in our lives was to make us understand something, to act as an incentive regarding certain problems that belonged to that period. So this real, profound, true Friendship can end, but it will not leave a feeling of emptiness because it will have fulfilled its purpose. A Friendship has been experienced, and we have defined certain limits that our energy needed to stabilize.
Now lets talk about another type of Friendship, the one based on the earthly part of the individual, the one that creates those continual problems you become involved with, that can upset your stability, because nothing causes more suffering than a Friendship betrayed.
When the betrayal concerns a love affair, above all the suffering disturbs the personality. When friendship is betrayed there is a deeper suffering, because we always believe that we ourselves are perfect friends. We never think that maybe it is our fault, it always seems to be the other persons. This is because when we give our friendship we are convinced that we are always sincere, true and honest without ulterior motives, unfortunately this often happens in a love affair. In a friendship, there is often a hidden agenda that is not clear to our mental perceptions, but very clear to our Energy.
I am your friend so I put up with, or I am just aware of your personality traits, which in some ways are similar to mine, but I just don’t want to recognize it. I observe these characteristics in you, but I refuse to recognize them in myself. I can see how you behave, I can understand, accept it, judge it and object, but I don’t think these characteristics have anything to do with me. It is not by chance that I have attracted this type of Friendship, this person with these characteristics. Therefore, even if our mental perception makes us refuse an awareness that should develop into a lesson for us, our deepest emotional part, the energetic part of us knows that we have attracted this friendship to adjust certain matters that we need to equilibrate.
I do not wish to complicate this talk about Friendship, because sometimes, when it is accepted lightly or too profoundly, it may cause more misunderstanding than clarification.
However, when a Friendship begins to deteriorate, and there is little harmony left, it is the moment when you have to realize that this Friendship has done its time, and you have had from it everything that it had to give you. We should reflect on what has changed, mostly how we have changed, and have the courage to move on.
The wisest way to end a Friendship is to think carefully about what it has meant for you, without blaming or complaining, or feeling betrayed, but simply to understand that if it is not working any more, it is because you have changed. We cannot always blame the other person for the frequent problems that arise in friendship, often the other person hasn’t changed, he or she is exactly the same, it is us that see things in a different light. We stop finding excuses, we begin to judge, our friend’s behavior and approach to life irritates us. Why does this happen? Because the vibration that allowed us to attract this Friendship is running low.
Let me say it again, you attracted this Friendship because through it you had to adjust a mechanism within you that you were unable, or did not want to see. When this happens, when you are able to understand, this Friendship can end, because it has given you what you needed. It can happen that the two people concerned have understood together, and if they accept the change within themselves they can face together a new phase in their Friendship. These are very particular Friends, they share a rare affinity, but they do exist and are very strong. They are the salt of the earth.
In conclusion, Friendship must be lived as a vibration, keeping your personality at bay as much as possible, so all the hostility, anger and misunderstandings which are expressions of our personality, must be overcome to leave space for our Instinct, for the urging from our energy, that knows the purpose of this Friendship, and wants it to be understood and then brought to a fitting conclusion.

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