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Free Will


Is our Life an already written performance, or do we have to invent it as we go along day by day, and keep writing the script? Or should we limit ourselves to following what the script predicts.
First: who has written the script?
Second: is there a script?
Let us start with the second question: the script exists. There must be because Life is not chaos, it is order, and therefore it allows the human race a purpose, a finality: that of evolution. Nothing is left to chance, the script exists.
Are we only actors in this script, or are we the authors?
We are the authors because we are part of God, of the divine of the Whole.
Why does the energy choose to incorporate itself in a human body?
It does so because it needs to level the vibrations and make them harmonious, because they need to be awakened or made active. They are part of the Energy but not active. Rather like a computer program that we do not know how to use. Our Life on Earth is to teach us how to use it.
I do not want to return to the discussion about the so called reincarnation because I have already explained that it is only fragments of the DNA that are placed in the new body, and not a personality that is embodied in another body. I do want to go back to the subject of the actor. Just as we have written the script, we are not so unimaginative to create limits that are absolutely closed off to any type of change, therefore, every single decision that we make cannot be considered final.
Must I act in this way because the script is absolute and I am only playing a part? NO. Life would be without meaning if this was so. The script offers alternatives, but why do I act in one way rather than another? Free will. Why do I have free will? Simply because when I make a choice I am aware of what I am doing, and this Awareness is the vibration that fastens the right frequency to the Energy.
At the mental level, there is no possibility of interaction on the Energy. The Energy can move and it evolves only in a profound vibrational level, through Awareness.
If I think, but am unaware of what I am thinking, I do not move the Energy.
When does the script become inflexible, rigid, without choices?
When I have an absolutely stable vibrational harmony, when I am in line with Evolution, and when I have reached a divine frequency. At this point, when I vibrate with the divine frequency, I no longer need to choose because the choice in the event is implicit.
I listen to my Instinct and know without hesitation, what I must do.

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