Fragments | Carla Parola Official website Fragments – Carla Parola Official website
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Let us define in a more precise way, the concept of Energy regarding the human being. Energy is universal.
Often (usually), the human being sees himself as a unit, and not part of the Whole, therefore he functions by believing that he can make his own rules by himself. He thinks that he can act according to his own limits, ignoring the mechanism that controls the Whole.
It is not like this, because the human being is a cell in a perfect body, that we can define as the Whole.
This cell is made up of the same “substance” the same characteristics as the Whole, and therefore is subject to the same regulations.
We know now that matter is nothing but a cohesion of atoms, and when they vibrate at a certain frequency, the Energy becomes “solid.”
Within you, not only is there the matter formed by these atoms, but there are also other fragments of Energy that vibrate at different speeds. Different frequencies, but invisible, not like the matter which is visible.
How can we define them, Spirit, Soul, Consciousness?
We can give them any name we want to, but here we will classify them as non material. This part too vibrates at an Energetic level……because everything is Energy.
I will reiterate, At a certain frequency matter is formed and becomes visible, on other frequencies states of Being are formed, but are invisible.
Reincarnation is a difficult subject to talk about because it has often been misconstrued. We cannot talk about a personality that has left this planet and again takes on a bodily form, with the same characteristics as the Life that has been abandoned.
We must think of the reincarnation of Energy, taking possession of a material bod,y and thus vibrating at the frequency of matter.
A “wandering” Energy possesses all frequencies and all possible frequency conditions.
This statement, regarding energetic terminology isn’t quite right, but living in 3 dimensions we need to use wording that is comprehensible for Earthly beings.
In our DNA, not only are there genetic characteristics belonging to the matter,but also the energetic ones that refer to character and one’s purpose in Life.
When the DNA will be thoroughly understood, it will reveal the energetic setting, and why that particular frequency, organized in a certain sequence, has taken possession of a body to realize an Earthly journey.
When we speak of fragments, this is what we mean: if we give a value of 100 to a personality that has lived on Earth, and at his physical death, 80% of this personality has effectively managed his energetic characteristics, his problems, his relationship with himself and others, transforming into virtues certain characteristics that could be considered defects, these harmonious fragments, aligned with the Whole, will not need to take on a physical body form again, and as they are already in Harmony, they will “re-enter” the Whole with other objectives.
Fragments that are still part of the personality and have not been resolved ( look on it as Karma if you want to) will again need to “dress” themselves in a body to conclude what has been left unfinished in the previous Earthly experience.
The concept expressed like this could make you think of a series of events, a succession of lives, but it must not be understood in this way (for the human being, it is a difficult concept to grasp) because Energy is without time. Meaning that where a fragment is present in a personality, it also has parallel actions in other dimensions “concluding a journey.” Nevertheless, the word “journey” has a relative meaning, because it implies that there is a before and after, when there is only a state of evolution. This is how we must understand fragments.
It is very difficult to make the 3 dimensional man understand this Reality. Nonetheless, man is given this information so that he can learn to consider himself, as a not absolute, multi dimensional being, and can then live his Self with relativity, understanding that Life’s purpose is no less than to guide one’s DNA, a fragment of Energy, permeated by this same Energy, towards a state of Harmony: this is the only objective.
Clearly, as this fragment is part of matter, and exists in the 3 dimensional Earth, to achieve Harmony, all Earthly methods, feelings, thoughts and practical situations will be available.

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