For Italy and Beyond | Carla Parola Official website For Italy and Beyond – Carla Parola Official website
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For Italy and Beyond


Trying to send Light to a population also means sending Light to all the territory that this population occupies.
Today we will try to reflect on what is happening in Italy, which is also the same in the whole world.
What we are experiencing is a change of the Paradigm, a change of Mentality, of a way of Life, from which no one can escape.
You can try to retain the old ideas, defend your privileges, to complain, but all this is destined to disappear, because everything is different in the New Paradigm. The Old has gone, or only what is right, just and good for the human being in the Old, will remain.
We can measure the failure of the Old Paradigm by the misery of the human race.
If we analyze carefully the Old Paradigm, we can see that the people, groups and populations that live in a better way, are those that have already adhered to the new way of living and reasoning.
Let us concentrate and try to send Light in the following sequence: to ourselves, to the people, to Italy, and from here to Europe and the World.
When we do this, there are no borders, because we are using our Energy more than our Minds.
Energy is Universal, so what we move here reverberates in the Universe, and then returns to us.
We have to understand this mechanism: the moment I elevate my vibration, I am permeated by vibrations that are more elevated, and are in the Universe.
We say – send Light, but in fact we are also receiving it.
Italy is shaped like a boot: let us visualize it as a geographical entity.
NOW, visualize it like a boot, a shoe, a boot that is cute and joyous like those worn by the girls who dance the Can Can, a very happy picture. A boot with laces down the front, that is colored, most suitable for this dance.
Why is the image of the dance suggested to us? Because we must see Italy in movement, ready for” high-kicking” ready to be joyful because Suffering has made us reflect, and these reflections arise from the pain of each one of us, but they are also generated by Evolution that is changing the Paradigm, obliging us NOW through the crises to review the way we live.
In front of us we have this boot, full of gaiety with the desire to move on and get going.
In the dance there is pure pleasure and merriment, and it would seem that reflection is absent, but this is not so, because the beautiful Can Can has needed hours of work, and many hours of practice, causing painful joints and sprains; it does not always come together perfectly, but when it is the moment of the public display, then all is perfect.
This is the image we must have of our Nation: a Nation that is held tightly with laces, obliged by ways of living and thinking that over the years has deteriorated, but NOW has decided to dance the Can Can.
This can create much amusement, because we all feel involved in it.
However, when I push you towards the vibrations of Joy and Cheerfulness, it is not because Logic and Reflection are less important; I only say that these two must not exclude Joy, the desire to move, to act.
In all this though, the desire to argue must be eliminated.
Quarreling stops the dance.
We see two ballerinas with their boots laced, facing each other, starting to argue.
At a certain point, the dance stops, and then the music stops, as the tone of their voices becomes louder, each one trying to get the better of the other one.
So we all become involved in the dance, rather like “In for a penny in for a pound”
It could be entertaining to observe this performance, but the real Joy is when you ”dance”
So let us all put ourselves in the condition to act, to do something, not to wait for solutions to problems from anyone else.
We use this comparison until Italy supports the better part of the Nation, the part that wants Justice, that understands that it cannot be disconnected from its own people.
We must respect Italy as the Earth, as our country, for everything marvelous about it, for everything that Nature has put into this magnificent place, and in respecting it, we must respect ourselves. We must not put up with the abuse of power, or justify behavior contrary to the correct, just and logical way of living that Life wants for us.
Life does not want to make us suffer, Nature does not have all the superabundance we have created.
NOW it can seem difficult to get out of this, but Life is there to help us, the New Paradigm is an explosive Force, it makes the human being more conscious in ever greater numbers.
Unlace your boots and take them off, we are free, citizens of the Universe, permeated by the universal Forces, NOW our dance is truly free without constrictions.
The boots are lying there, they have a lovely shape but we don’t need them anymore because we have learned to dance without them.
This is a very important phase in our Evolution and our Awareness: to understand that we must not behave well because the laws and rules oblige us to, but because we feel within us that it is right to do so.
We must feel this freedom within us because it is adherent to the Universe.
We must live in Liberty and not expect others to solve our problems.
Liberty that respects the limits of others, that does not override others or take advantage of them.
In this Liberty there is also the refusal of everything enforced on us, that is neither just or sound, and stops us from moving forward.
Let us finish with the image of Italy again in a geographical shape, with all the Italians dancing on it, waving their arms, smiling even when they bump into each other.
A great desire to live in Harmony rises from this Italy.
This is the image we must keep within ourselves: a festive people who through personal Awareness, and of being part of the Universe, make Italy a Nation of Conscience.
A conscious population attracts conscious politicians.
A conscious population knows how to make itself heard.
A conscious population leads all of Humanity towards Serenity, because it is a Force that multiplies.
Let this image of Joy, Gaiety and Awareness remain with you, leaving out doubts, fears and anxieties; do not say “it is difficult, it will take a long time, no one is able to take us to this level”
Each of us must reach this level, and the sooner we do, the sooner others will be effected by us.
We will make a chain of Awareness, a chain of human beings who have understood the meaning of Life, which is not to override others, or to demonstrate that we are superior to them, because the purpose of Life is not to take advantage of other people.
The purpose of Life is to understand that we are on this Earth to help Evolution, and Evolution uses each one of us.




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