Fear | Carla Parola Official website Fear – Carla Parola Official website
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Relinquish the time that has gone, don’t think of it as something hostile or threatening.
We really need to surrender ourselves just as the leaf floats on the river: it doesn’t ask where it is going, it doesn’t ask what it will encounter, if it is going to be stopped or deposited in a pleasant place, it just surrenders to what happens.
It is the same with a grain of sand in the dune, it doesn’t ask to be in the front, on the top, at the bottom, the wind carries it……..and it surrenders to what happens.
When you surrender, something wonderful happens, Fear disappears.
Unfortunately, at this moment, Fear is the vibration that is gripping the Planet Earth, at more or less increasing levels, levels even of total desperation, unable to see a future, almost of terror, and then there are levels of a subtle uneasiness, of aggravation, of melancholy, of depression.
All this Fear that circulates the Earth has only one aim, that of urging healthy people, those that wish to live well, the people who want to rebel against this Fear, and find within themselves the strength to banish It.
And it is precisely because it is so apparent that it cannot be ignored and we must think about it.
Thinking about it means deciding NOW, at once: I don’t want this, I don’t want Fear.
The antidote for Fear is Surrender, letting yourself move on, living with Awareness, with conviction and with great Humility every second of your Life.
We are not wrong if we feel that we have absolute control over our Life, but where is the limit we should set ourselves? The limit is that our control should not be based on mental control of situations, other people and ourselves, but because we want to understand how Life works, how the cosmic Forces function, and we want to let ourselves be surrounded by all these.
Having knowledge of the cosmic Forces, we will get to know ourselves better, because we are cosmic Force, and by knowing ourselves we banish Fear.
NOW it is absolutely necessary that the human race abandons Fear.
Surrounding each one of you is a mass of Fear and if it comes into contact with your internal Fear, the combination becomes explosive. It is this contact that is the real cause of your indecision in everything.
Therefore, the advice I want to give you, which I repeat, is absolutely necessary, abandon Fear, let yourselves move on.
Everything will become extremely clear. Difficulties won’t disappear, they are part of Life, but you will be able to cope with them in a way that is lucid, rational and also without being afraid.
We know that if Life presents us with a difficulty, it also gives us the means to overcome it.
The more we have Awareness within us, the more our problems seem less forbidding and so it won’t be the problem that either destroys or overwhelms us, it will be a problem that helps us understand how many resources we have internally, so let’s use them and go forward.































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