Evolution | Carla Parola Official website Evolution – Carla Parola Official website
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It is wrong to consider Evolution as synonymous with time.
You need to think about it in a different way, and to do this, we must
talk again about frequencies, vibrations and dimensions.
You can’t say that you are more, or less evolved in the same way you
would say that you weigh more, or less.
Time is not pertinent to this discussion, because time doesn’t exist
for the Energy.
The Energy can have different types of vibrations, simplifying it, we
can say1,2 etc., but they can all be like the many musical instruments
that play together in an orchestra, they play different notes, but all
at the same time, so there isn’t a before or after.
At the same moment we can play 100 instruments and give out different
notes all simultaneously.
All that is emitted in that moment creates a vibration, creates a
sound, and that IS the sound, that IS.
There is no before or after, not the violin first and the guitar
after, it happens simultaneously.
Obviously the final vibration will be different depending whether the
guitar or violin plays do or la.
This is just to tell you that it is not a question of time, but of the
intensity of the Awareness.
Using another even more commonplace example, I can live an event,
hardly taking part in it, and that event will remain as an event I was
not really aware of, I’ll do things unconsciously, but I will do them
This doesn’t leave a trace in my Energy, because at that moment I was
not aware.
However, the moment I do the same thing in an aware way, I acquire
information, I nourish my Energy, and as a vibration, I leap forward.
The vibration is not more, or less, it is simply a different sound.
There’s no before or after, just the vibration’s different sound.
This is all that can be said to human beings who live in earth dimension, to help them understand.
The Energy’s levels are perceived by humans as Harmony and Disharmony.
When there is Harmony it means that our energetic vibration is on the
frequency of the Whole.
We vibrate with the frequency of the Whole, therefore we are harmonious.
Why is this?
Because we are having experiences and giving out the right
vibration…what the Energy is asking from us.
When we are not harmonious, it’s because either we have compacted
information, and so disharmony is necessary, or we are disconnected
from the Whole, and our way of living is only focused around our

This is the criterion with which we can “judge” our Energy:
Harmony = an elevated vibration
Continuous Disharmony = ( remember that temporary disharmony is
necessary) = depression, fear, anxiety and panic which are symptoms of
disconnection with the Whole.
We are no longer part of the Whole.
Here an interesting chapter unfolds: The Whole.
The Whole is everything, so it’s also the vibration of every
frequency, because in the Whole there are all the frequencies.
How can we understand which frequency we belong to?
We can’t know, there isn’t a classification, there isn’t a first or
second type of Energy, there is only Harmony or continuous Disharmony.
There is truly everything in the Whole, everything that has been
created in every period of time, everything emitted as a thought, and
so this also concerns the “future” in inverted commas, because the
future, as time, doesn’t exist.
We are able to perceive from the Whole, that which is in harmony with
It is the only way to understand if we have an elevated vibration, but
I repeat, Harmoniously elevated, a true, real Harmony, not a
fictitious one, invented by us.
Elevated, but not by human standards, the best, the worst, the more,
or less valuable, the more, or less important. Absolutely not.
The Energy has no measuring system: no one is more evolved than another.
There’s only the person who lives in Harmony, within the sphere of his
own energetic characteristics.
That person is Evolved.
If you live in disharmony with the characteristics of your energy, you
are not Evolved.
To give you an example: if your energetic characteristic was 10, in
inverted commas, but you live that 10 in disharmony, you can’t
consider yourself evolved.
You aren’t Evolved because you are not part of Evolution.
Evolution is Harmony.




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