Energy | Carla Parola Official website Energy – Carla Parola Official website
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Your Energy, just like every living Energy, comes from God.
God is everything and everything is God.
The nature of the single Energy reflects the divine plan. God is Light, and the Energy present in every form of life, whether material or essence, is a shadow of the Whole.
When our Energy stops transforming and IS, it is both God and Light. This means that the Energy, enclosed in the Light, cannot act and transform any more, but only limit itself to Being, because it is incorporated within God and is a part of Him.
If God discerns disharmony in the transformation of the Energy, it is annulled or the Energy is recalled to Him operating different ways for each single energetic frequency.
There cannot be disharmony within its Being, only absolute perfection. Who is still not completely incorporated in Being, must continue until he is totally one with the divine plan, so that he can definitely enter the highest frequency of the Whole.
Certain Energies already in the Light, programmed by the divine, can come down to inferior frequencies for special tasks.
Not all the energetic mass comes down a vibration, only that part of it that is needed to activate the matter, the rest stays in the Light, in God and therefore in absolute perfection.
These energies can often be the cause of very evident disturbances because their way of being and living is different to the energies of a lower frequency. From an earthly view point they are not perfect, but they are in the cosmic sense, because they are permeated with logic and instinct that is only divine.
They are not different from an earthly point of view, they can be distinguished by their coherence and willpower which has little to do with logic or rationality.
However there is a very big risk: if these Energies live the part of them that is inserted in the matter in an unsuitable way, that is, a negative way, this can provoke enormous damage to themselves and the structure that links them to the Whole. If this happens, they develop a perverse, limitless desire to act in an bad way. In any case, the part of them that vibrates in unison with the Whole is not damaged because this part is immune to contamination, and the earthly part of these Energies always expresses itself in an extraordinary and captivating way for the masses, whether it be bad or good.

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