Drama or Comedy: How do you choose to live? | Carla Parola Official website Drama or Comedy: How do you choose to live? – Carla Parola Official website
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Drama or Comedy: How do you choose to live?

Whether it be drama or comedy it is always Life that we are living, so we must clarify the concept of Life. If we take it to mean something unique and absolute, then we must accomplish everything in this Life: be fulfilled, love ourselves, make ourselves known and acquire as much as possible………or we can understand that Life is a relevant event to the multiverse, to all the many frequencies that animate the cosmos, of which we are part.
Let us take a step backwards, and begin by saying that we are Energy, atoms, part of the Universe, and inasmuch as we are part of it we absorb its laws, we let ourselves be permeated by the universal Forces, and this affects us depending on our Awareness.
If we live unaware of being Energy and part of the Universe, we are unable to emit Awareness, and we give our events unconditional value, we deal with them using our personality and our ego, and we do not see them as part of an evolutive process, on which our way of living is based.
We are on this Earth for Evolution
We are on this Earth to evolve
We are on this Earth to leave it a better place than how we found it.
This is the Awareness that we must have, and if this is our starting point, then how we live will be different.
We live Life with Relativism and a sense of belonging to the Universe: we are part of it, we are not disconnected, we feel part of the Whole which permeates us.
We think that we can decide everything about our Life, to control and program it, but Life manages to erase our efforts because the accidental, the imponderable and unexpected events are always just around the corner.
These factors are not sent by anyone; they are around us, part of the Whole, just as we are.
To be able to understand this leads us to accepting Life’s events in a different way.
We attract these events, not to suffer or be joyous, but simply because they are useful: the deepest part of us, our Energy knows that through a particular event we can take an evolutionary step forward.
The most important thing is to always be Aware: to have the Awareness that the same event can be considered a lesson that we have attracted for our progress ( so helping Evolution) or we can live the same event as bad luck, and accident or a situation that we cannot get out of.
When we observe the Reality surrounding us, we notice that every day there are tremendous events, dramatic and traumatic that happen to the masses or to individuals…Events that can however be overcome.
Because within us there is the vital Force, the Force of Evolution, of Life, that gives us the ability and the strength to carry on.
However, if we are not Aware of this, everything that is difficult to deal with, becomes a drama. Therefore, living these situations without enough Awareness, which would eliminate the burdensome of the moment, help us to face up to the event logically. The desire to understand, sometimes with melancholy and pain if the event is painful, but always with the certainty that we are learning something, and that particular event is necessary to us. We must be conscious that within us there is a Force which helps us overcome difficulties.
To try to live Life as a Comedy, means giving a relative sense to all events.
We can despair, fixated upon problems that are overcome in a flash, cancelled, annulled when we become interested in another event, which makes us stop and think.
Before, what was a total drama, a problem that bothered us all day, becomes absolutely relative.
Being able to live with relativism helps us not to waste our strength and energy, and use the Force and Energy within us to overcome events.
An event is always the same when we analyze it logically: an event has a logical basis, whereas the emotional basis is changeable, it is the way we see it that alters.
Take the example of the bottle; half full or half empty.
It is up to us to understand that we must live in a positive way, we must bring out the positive part within us that understands this, that knows that we have attracted this event to improve ourselves.
To be on Earth and then leave it, has meaning only if we serve Evolution, if we understand that we are not here to assert ourselves, but to know, accept and love ourselves, and through this, express the best we have within us.
There are no winners in Drama.
The first moment can be a Drama, when the event is unexpected and dramatic, but then Awareness must take over. We have to understand why that situation has to be dealt with by us.
The expression” it shouldn’t have happened to me” has no sense.
When it happens it happens, but if we start off with the idea that we are Energy, and Energy has its course, an ability to direct us through our instinct, and we are aware that we continuously interact with the Universal Forces that permeate us, then we will understand that we have attracted that event, because we need it to become more aware, and above all much stronger.
It is tiresome overcoming difficulties because we would prefer to have a serene, easy Life without problems.
However, when we have sorted out the problem we are proud of ourselves, and rightly so, because we have used the best part of ourselves that otherwise we would not have even been conscious of. The part that makes us act and react in a way that we would not have expected.
In each one of us, there is an inclination that makes us live Life as a Drama or a Comedy.
This can be modified when it makes us feel bad.
When we live Life as a Comedy with Awareness and Relativism, even in the middle of a storm, we know how to control ourselves, and we survive.
When we live Life as a Drama, everything becomes a Drama, because Drama is a polarity just like Comedy: one is negative, one is positive.
We cannot jump from one pole to another, if we are full of Drama, everything will be Dramatic, even missing the bus, or failing an exam……..
This is because the polarity of Drama is active within us.
One needs to do exercises to ascertain how many times an absolutely fundamental Drama in our Life, becomes relative, every time a new Drama appears.
Then when we are tired, exhausted by the succession of Dramas, we look around and see people who live with the polar of Comedy, the positive side of Life, and navigate all the difficulties presented by Life in a serene and calm way.
This does not mean that these people do not have problems, but they know that they have a Force within them to face these problems, which are problems until they have discovered the lesson within them, and they know that they have attracted the problem.
Notice how each of us attract always the same type of problem.
One is dealt with, then it turns up again, just the same, because our way of dealing with the problem is one of Drama: we are not able to understand that there is a lesson in that problem and deduce it, so we continue to attract the same type of problem.
Let us try to reflect on the fact that as we are energy, we fluctuate, vibrate, we are a cohesion of frequencies, we are truly part of the Whole, we are the Whole.
This means that we have the possibility of living well or living badly, to face situations in a positive or negative way.
Everyone can become positive, just as everyone can free themselves from negativity.
To carry on in your usual way of acting and observing Life, even when the results of this are negative, means not only that you are stubborn, but above all you are lacking Awareness.
Nobody can tell us how we have to behave, because it is Life that teaches us, Life is our Teacher.
We behave, convinced that it is the right way: each one of us is in bona fide regarding our reactions, but we must look at the results, and if they are negative, then we cannot blame it on bad luck. It is not this, it is our incapacity to see the lesson within the event that leads us to act in the wrong way.
Life is Love, and we are Life.
We speak of Life, of Evolution, of the Whole, but we are all these, we are a cohesion of atoms, we are part of the Universe, we must go beyond our Ego, and as part of the Whole, oscillate in the Whole, so that we can extract the most from the teaching that our earthly course can give us.
Then everything will really become relative: we will live in a relative way, we understand that we are here to learn; once we have learnt the teaching, pain ceases, the situation resolves itself, our thematics ( each one of us always has to deal with the same one) change polarity. We do not attract that type of event or meeting any more, we do not need it, because we have understood. Now can you see how Life, how Evolution, how part of the Whole, really changes how we live.
Now it is not very important to assert ourselves, our ego does not count any more, we are not scared of being hurt, we do not lack self-confidence because we are permeated by a cosmic Force, so there is no Fear, only the desire to experience Life.
These experiences we must live as a Comedy, with Lightness and Relativism.
Maybe the word Comedy gives an idea of something too frivolous, but it should be understood as Lightness, Relativism and in this way Comedy can teach us a lot.
We must expect Joy from ourselves, we must live Joyfully, understanding that if humanity analyzes and understands themselves, through suffering they are able to draw out the Force they did not know they had. If we have not understood that this Force exists, we attract pain to experiment, to bring forth the Force, then afterwards we must aspire to live with Joy, and to do this we must not allow anyone to ruin our Lives.
We must have the strength to refuse all the input, conditioning and suggestions that come from the outside and make us feel uneasy.
This is not an egoistical way of living, it is a healthy way, because I cannot allow others to ruin my Life. I have to understand why I have attracted people who are ruining my Life.
I cannot expect them to change by respecting me and my ideas, it is I who have to understand how I got myself into this situation with these people.
I must have the positive attitude of the person who does not want to waste time analyzing the others, or trying to change them and how they behave, I must concentrate on myself.
Why have I attracted this person and this situation? What must I learn from this experience?
So, with Love, Awareness and Lightness towards ourselves, once we have understood why these problems continue to turn up, they disappear and do not bother us again.
We understand that if a person hurts us, it is not always intentional: maybe that person simply expresses his way of being, even if we feel that it is ruining our Life.
Therefore there are two ways of behaving: Comedy is the light hearted and aware way, that says “ I want to live Joyously, but I have attracted this situation that makes me suffer, Why?”
I analyze the situation, and create antibodies, I try to understand why the behavior of another person who 90% of the time is in good faith, should hurt me, and so I modify myself.
I try to accept and understand the meaning of the situation, to remove all my expectations, and try to not feel offended if the other person does not approve of me. This is the healthy way to live, the way that corresponds to Comedy.
The there is the way of living in Drama: I feel treated unfairly for the choice I have made, that I have attracted: “This shouldn’t have happened, I don’t deserve it and why me?”
In this way my personality takes over, little me and my ego, and this lessens my energy, which diminishes even more if I wish that the other person should change, understand me, and fulfill my expectations, when I have no intention of doing the same.
These are the two polarities that each of us live with all the time.
Every event whether big or small, has two polarities.
It is our attitude that instinctively makes us choose to live events as a Comedy or a Drama.The person who has always lived with Drama, really needs to practice in the following way: when she is tired, when she understands that her way of living is just a waste of energy, then every day, she must force herself to see the positive side of every event, and search for the lesson within it, so that she can make progress.
The usual objections to this exercise is “ It is difficult, and it is not true that the others are in good faith, often they intentionally hurt me”
The reply is: so what? Do you want to hurt the other person? What good would that do you? Do you feel better when you have hurt someone, or have revenged yourself on that person or event? If it makes you feel better, then do it, but then you will see the result.
The result is: who lives in Drama will continuously attract dramatic events, because she has that polarity, it is normal. Who lives in Comedy attracts events that are Comedy, or if there are burdensome elements, they will be dealt with Relativism, and Lightness, and she will be able to get out of the situation with much better results.


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