Doubting the Here and Now | Carla Parola Official website Doubting the Here and Now – Carla Parola Official website
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Doubting the Here and Now


Let us observe ourselves from the exterior: we are sitting down, quite relaxed, and this is the image we have of ourselves.
Now move your observation to your interior: we are both quiet and doubting.
To doubt is healthy.
To doubt that you will not be able to live in the Here and NOW is healthy.
Not to try is foolish.
How many times in our lives have we tackled an enterprise considered almost impossible? We did it to prove to ourselves that we could, to affirm ourselves, to present ourselves to others in a certain way, and so we faced the difficulties too.
When however, we are in direct contact with ourselves, when we must do something just for ourselves without demonstrating anything to anyone else, without a tangible result that we can compare with that of others, or with what we were expecting… many times do we stop doing it? Working alone with ourselves does not gratify the personality, our ego, only our Energy, the highest part of us.
To judge living in the Here and NOW as difficult, is probably true if we judge it on a par with the personality and our ego, which always wants us to program, control etc, so that we are never taken unawares. Especially if our self esteem depends on the opinion others have of us, and the exhibition we make of our results.
To live in the Here and NOW will not present us with something we are unable to deal with, give us a method we cannot put into practice, to make our own, and feel right for us.
When we live in the past and the future, our Energy becomes unbalanced, and this is not the correct method.
Life wants us to overcome it, wants us to live in the Here and NOW, and when we manage to, even for brief minutes, we reach Harmony and an interior Peace that makes us feel good.
It is to this Harmony and Peace that we must remember every time our thoughts drag us to the past or the future.
We must love ourselves so much that we consider the efforts we are called on to improve ourselves as something extremely necessary.
Others are not gratified by our efforts, probably they don’t even notice them.
We don’t seem different to others, there is no exaltation of our personality, but there is a gesture, a way of being towards ourselves, that is very healthy and beneficial because in our silence, in our intimacy, we want to progress, understand ourselves better, live better.
The way of living in the Here and NOW is an important path to find interior Harmony.
It obliges us to Silence, not to compare ourselves, and to be totally one with ourselves, without external stimulation or insistence from others.
We must concentrate on the moment, aware that we are acting for ourselves and not for others, abiding by what we feel is right.
The Here and NOW always refers to the seed.
Remember: in the seed there is everything, truly everything.
In the Here and NOW, there is everything for the Energy to vibrate in a Harmonious way.

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