Developing the Conscience | Carla Parola Official website Developing the Conscience – Carla Parola Official website
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Developing the Conscience


Let’s begin by trying to understand what we mean by Conscience, because we all have our own ideas when we hear this word.
When I speak of the Conscience I link it to Awareness, referring it to that moment when you are aware of what you are doing, and you act according to your conscience, that is, adhering to your self.
It doesn’t mean that acting in this way you are making the right choice, or that you are in the right, but you are simply just being yourself.
We mustn’t make laws for our Conscience, because the only purpose it has, is to put into practice what the Instinct suggests.
Now comes a very big question: can the Instinct suggest something that isn’t right?
We must however evaluate its justifiability, not on a practical knowledge but on its energetic basis.
When we speak of the Conscience, we must put aside the social Conscience with all its rules and behavior imposed by society, and we must think of our Conscience as something absolutely individual.
Except for those universal “rules” ( love yourselves, love your neighbor, and do unto others as you would have them do unto you) all the rest is just the traditions of a particular society.
There are rules that some follow, and others know nothing about, so we can say that the only thing that is valid for everyone is this: love yourselves and do nothing to hurt others. The conscience has within it this precept, so it would never suggest something that could harm or distress another person.
Developing our Conscience gives us a clear understanding of the concept; we must act according to our Instinct, because it is the only thing that can guide us; also, examining the results of our actions, we must consider how we feel, if we are in peace, serene and relaxed, it is because we have done what our Instinct suggested.
On the other hand, if our Conscience is still not accustomed to the divine vibration, and is still influenced by the conditioning and rules of society and religions, the result can be evaluated only on a material and practical level, and not from an energetic point of view.
We must not use the Mind to develop our Conscience.
So, how do we do it?
When we analyze our behavior, obviously we use our Mind, because there is no other way, but the answer can only be energetic.
What does this mean?
It means that looking at my behavior and way of acting, I must find serenity and inner peace.
This is the sign that I have acted in the right way, so obviously the Mind cannot tell me this, but how I feel can.
When on the other hand, I have acted in a perfectly correct way, following the diktats imposed by society or for my own personal advantage, but I feel uncomfortable, a feeling of discontentment, “something” that makes me uneasy, it means that I haven’t acted correctly.
My actions were based only on what the Mind suggested and what I was interested in doing at that moment, but this was not the path that the Energy wanted me to take.
Another parallel aspect, equally important is this: with immense Love we must analyze ourselves. Without this Love, we could be afraid of really knowing ourselves, fearful of the results that could transform our actions, and so try to disprove what we have understood, so that we don’t hurt ourselves ( as we are judging ourselves now).
Trying to understand and analyze ourselves with Love, we will have the courage to see what is lacking in us, where we should have acted differently, and where we acted correctly.
Using Love we are able to reach the darkest corners of our selves, the corners we usually keep hidden. This means that when it is Love that permeates our behavior, then we are leaving space for our Instinct and the Energy that guides us. We must not be surprised then if two situations seemingly similar occur, and prompted by our Instinct we deal with them in two different ways.
This happens because our Energy knows, that in the first situation, if we do not follow our Instinct, the result could be problematic for us, and in the second case, we are prompted to act almost in the opposite way, because this result is what we need, and we are able to accept it.
All this helps us to understand how careful we must be when analyzing our Life and thoughts, being careful and not criticizing.
There are some people who have the tendency to analyze the past, which is not a healthy thing to do, because it is raking over what has been and gone, but if the individual really wants to, then he must be objective.
Obviously the objectivity relates to the present moment, it cannot be that of the day before or the day after. So we will realize that our way of seeing and analyzing those situations changes, not intentionally, but because we have within us the urge for change and Evolution.
Whatever we did in the past, how we behaved, wasn’t wrong: it was simply what we were able to do, based on the Awareness we had then. Through that experience, that now we might judge as wrong or absurd, we learned something, and when Life offers us a similar experience now, we act in a different way, because we are able to.
However, we should not feel guilty about our past action, because then we were not able to act differently. If we had, we would not have been able to understand or justify the result.
Going back to the development of the Conscience, we can therefore say, we must not look for a method or a system, we must only put our trust in our Instinct, in Evolution, in the vital Forces, with the Awareness that everything we do must help us become better people.
It is the Instinct not the Mind that suggests a certain behavior when dealing with events, and makes us understand which is the right path to take.
What goes through our Minds is also an earthly vibration which almost excludes the Instinct. We have to listen to the Instinct, and even if afterwards, our actions become earthly and concrete, this is what the Instinct has asked of us.
We can’t hear the Instinct when the mind is noisy, and continues to think, plan, program and recriminate.
When this happens, let us make ourselves small, be Silent, and then we will hear the Instinct.
It is useful to practice Silence, because in this state we can listen to the most profound part of us, which will tell us the path we need to take.

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