Dealing with Problems | Carla Parola Official website Dealing with Problems – Carla Parola Official website
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Dealing with Problems


Let us talk about how to deal with the problems and difficulties that are part of Life, the salt of Life.
If problems did not exist, the human being would never be tested, he would never know if he was able to ”swim” when the sea is rough and the waves are high.
However a problem can leave a bitter taste in your mouth if it is looked on as bad luck, the kind that leads to pessimism, or even feel victimized.
If on the other hand you face the problem as a teaching given to you by Life, it will bring out the best in you and your ability to react, and so the problem will be lived as something beneficial to you.
There is always a remedy: this is a fundamental principle, because Life, that is Evolution and Love, does not discourage or punish the human being, as in doing so, would be working against itself.
The Life that actually makes the human being depressed, unhappy and bitter, that does not surrender to the flow of being, and sees no future, is not doing what it should do.
Life MUST teach, and it teaches through difficulties.
Even for a child, it is difficult to learn how to add up: this is a difficulty.
If we can understand that problems and difficulties are part of Life, and they are also the means we are given to learn something, we will face the problem – I do not say with joy, because that would be really difficult – but at least with a positive attitude, trying to understand the teaching, and then we will find the solution.
If, vice versa, we stubbornly continue to feel unlucky, a victim of fate, this attitude not only will not allow us to find the solution, but will attract other problems.
The best thing is to understand that the aim of our Earthly journey is not just: I am here, I sleep, live, cry, rejoice, suffer, and die….NO.
I am here because I must help Evolution, I must help all of humanity to evolve, each person with their own characteristics.
To do this, I need to know myself, to test myself and give the best of my self, and this happens always through difficulties.
The moment will arrive when the knowledge of ourselves will be so profound, so deeply rooted…….we have accepted ourselves and at last we love ourselves; then problems do not really exist.
There will be ordinary problems that come with Life, but more than anything they will be just inconveniences.
This is the right attitude to avoid depression, or a critical moment when facing a problem: it must be considered an experience that Life wants us to have, so that we can understand that we are able to prevail.
Within the difficulty there is already the solution, and we have to find it quickly, knowing that we must search for it through acceptance, and not through refusing it, and understanding that through this experience we improve ourselves.
At this point, the solution will appear, because it is not the one we had looked for or even wanted, but it is the one that Life offers us, and does so only when we have understood the teaching.

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