Culture and Knowledge | Carla Parola Official website Culture and Knowledge – Carla Parola Official website
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Culture and Knowledge


By Culture we mean everything that the human being picks up as information from a source external to himself, so he gathers information, studies, does research and all this forms his Culture.
Knowledge can be added to Culture, because this also is lived by the individual after it has been searched for, and has left something in him.
There is however the Knowledge that we could define as primary, ancestral, a Knowledge that is not produced by research or study, but arises suddenly and is already the inborn patrimony of the individual.
The examples that help us to understand this mechanism are the child prodigies, all the amazing things that we have seen manifested in them: who composes music, who paints, who has an incredible gift for maths………demonstrating that this Knowledge is not the result of research, of Culture, of a specific study, but something within the human being, patrimony of the DNA of that particular Individual.
In the New Paradigm, in this third millennium, this Knowledge called instinctive, primary, gradually will overtake Culture and researched Knowledge.
Why does this happen?
Because with the Earthly vibration rising, and consequently also the individual vibration, he will get ever closer to an “astral” field which is the field of information, and this will be his patrimony at a conscious level.
He will remember having this information, and will reveal it, and this is why isolated cases, geniuses “phenomenons” will not be talked about, it will be a widespread situation: everyone will express something different, and they will all be expressions of what they have within them, and they will contribute to our way of living, discoveries that will converge with the New.
Life, Evolution uses precisely these “memories” so that the new acquisitions and technology become visible to everyone, so that a profound change to our way of living takes place on Earth.
Why is it important to leave space for the mechanism of a Knowledge so instinctive and primary? Because this Knowledge is guided by Life and Evolution.
Researched Knowledge also in some measure adheres to the human being’s instinct, because no one can have Knowledge of everything that exists, but is directed towards one subject or another guided by his instinct.
However, when the human being is able to demonstrate a Knowledge that is not fruit of research or of conscious study, but it comes from the patrimony he has always had, or he expresses an ability to find from the Field of information, notions that are absolutely unrelated to his earthly life, it shows us how many levels of Culture and Knowledge we can express.
I repeat again that when we speak of Culture and Knowledge, our memory simply goes to what we have assimilated and accumulated in this Life, when however we reflect on individuals considered “phenomenons”, on geniuses, on the mechanism that permits certain human beings to express a Culture and Knowledge that is not the fruit of research or study, we begin to reason with a different vocabulary: we begin to understand that we can express not only what we have studied, but also what is already in us.
What is “in” us, is not the right word, because we cannot say that it is “in” us, we must say that to have this information we are able to assimilate it from the Fields that contain it.
All information are vibrations, these are formed in the Fields and the human being has the opportunity of accessing them through his own vibrations, those that are in Harmony with the vibrations of information.
To do this, the DNA of the individual needs to have an active “programming” that will allow these vibrations of information to meet up with each other.
There will never be a person on this Earth able to access all types of information.
If there were a being whose Energy was structured to do this, he would not be able to Live in an earthly way, which has the limits of a three dimensional world, therefore even the most biologically evolved person will have abilities that cannot be “universal” even though they are extraordinary: an obvious example is Leonardo da Vinci, whose interests encompassed many fields, but he could not have access to all information.
In the future, in this New Paradigm that is consolidating on Earth, the possibility and disposition to express a Knowledge that is not fruit of study or research, is inherent.


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