Continue Being Yourself | Carla Parola Official website Continue Being Yourself – Carla Parola Official website
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Continue Being Yourself


To continue being yourself is wonderful, but to ALWAYS be yourself, is even more wonderful.
Being yourself shows that you adhere to your way of thinking and feeling, and this gives you a harmonious interior self that can be perceived externally: in your gestures, your action, your choices.
From the outside, this way of ours to act could even be considered wrong, contrary to the expectations of our society, or even counterproductive.
Let me clarify this: if a person has already had the same experience that another person is experiencing, and is adhering to himself, but the first person mentioned has had a negative outcome from this same experience, he hypothesizes that it will be the same outcome for the other person, but not necessarily will this be true.
I want this to mean that each one of us is different, and being oneself must refer only to one’s self, and other people’s experiences unfortunately are of little use to us.
It would be marvelous if we could listen to the advice of others and use their experiences for ourselves, but it does not work like that, because on earth, two equal cases, situations, vibrations and experiences do not exist.
Even the individual who repeatedly has the same type of experience, will deal with it every time in a different way.
It will have happened to all of you to find yourselves again and again in similar situations, but each time your reactions and behavior was different.
This happens because uniformity does not exist; each one of us is different, and in the sphere of our own being, every vibration changes the previous frequency.
When I think of something, my frequency changes, I act in a certain way and my frequency changes, I have a particular experience and my frequency changes.
When the same experience or situation presents itself, I will act on a modified frequency, even if I feel that I an acting/reacting in the same way, but if I profoundly analyze myself, I will comprehend that my feelings, to a greater or lesser degree, are different from the previous time.
Going back to the theme of being oneself; it is extremely important not to disregard this concept which is at the base of our way of living: we are ONE, we are all ONE.
To be different does not mean that we are separate, it means that in this enormous container there is everything, but this container is not made of watertight compartments, energies are not isolated, they are not distanced from each other, but move nearer and even try to permeate other energies until – through the other person – the individual “ restores himself” – modifies himself.
Therefore, to be yourself is wonderful if you allow yourself to be permeated by what other energies, unknowingly, are pointing out to you.

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