Consolation | Carla Parola Official website Consolation – Carla Parola Official website
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Consolation is the act of consoling the person near us, or to feel the need to console ourselves.
To receive consolation from others has an important energetic value, because it implies an exchange of positive energy between two beings that prompts a communion of feelings and perceptions.
To console oneself alone, to feel this consolation directed to one’s self, is more enriching and of even greater value, because it indicates an ability to act and penetrate the most remote recesses of one’s being.
I am not talking about the trite consolation that often is nothing else but recompense for grievances received, or shortcomings we have experienced with distaste or humiliation; instead I am referring to the True, authentic Consolation: that magnificent vibration that is able to stir our deepest feelings.
I am referring to the action that stirs our feelings and helps us to understand that we are consoled…meaning that we are not alone, but have the divine Force activated within us.
Console yourselves and console others, and you will have access to that frequency that allows you to vibrate in unceasing Harmony.

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