Communicating with Yourselves | Carla Parola Official website Communicating with Yourselves – Carla Parola Official website
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Communicating with Yourselves


The best thing that the human being can do is to be dedicated to himself, because when he does this, he is in contact with the “highest” part he can reach.
Let me explain.
We are always thinking and talking about spirituality, we talk of God….and often we visualize him as something external to us, but we are God, and we are the highest expression perceivable on Earth.
We must be aware of this by communicating with ourselves. In this way, everything that is beyond rationality and the human Mind’s limitations, can come to us and elevate that famous spirituality that often we continue to see, not as an intrinsic part of ourselves, but as a segment distinct from the other parts.
What happens when I am in contact with myself? To begin with I annul everything that is “external” because this is a moment dedicated only to myself. I have the chance of listening and understanding myself, and above all to interact with myself without anything disturbing this ongoing conversation.
Why do I say that an ongoing conversation with myself is necessary? Because all the disturbance that comes from the “external” ( but remember that we are all ONE) can confuse and destabilize me, by tempting me to pay attention to something that is of no use to me.
Why isn’t it useful? Because in that moment my Energy doesn’t need it. So adhering to myself during this conversation I have the opportunity of assessing all the stimuli that I come across, whether people, books, encounters or requests, and I must be careful to pay attention only to those that are useful to me.
I can’t judge whether they are right or wrong, only decide if they are useful to me.
This is a very important transition. Often we cram ourselves with information and
procedures, and to accomplish them requires a mental effort that deviates us from our deepest self.
So do not judge whether it is right or wrong, just simply judge whether it is useful to you or not.
I will take what is useful because it corresponds to a solicitation that urges me to develop, put into practice and make my own what I am experiencing in that moment.
All this cannot happen unless I am in total and constant contact with myself.
If I allow myself to get sidetracked by the expectations of other people, if I want to conform to what the “external” expects of me, I will never be certain that I am doing what is useful for myself.

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