You don’t understand Chaos, the Situation is the part of Chaos that you can grasp.
When you say everything is regulated by Chaos, it is because the Forces are so many, interdependent, connected, and sometimes even opposites, therefore there is Chaos.
However, within Chaos there is order. It is chaotic for us because we don’t understand how it works. Nevertheless, when a chance appears from the Chaos, then you recognize it, and you call it a Situation.
Even so, it is not a situation that has happened by chance, but a sequence of events provoked by Chaos that has produced that Situation.
For all that, we attract the Situation, the one that we need.
As the Situation is a frequency, we are able to attract it. We can attract a negative or positive Situation. In any case, we always attract something that serves our needs.
There isn’t a “someone” who sends us the Situation, we shouldn’t always think about external Forces, they are “external” because we don’t know them, but they are part of us and flow through us.
We are Chaos.
In our Chaos there is order, as there is in everything.
Yet nothing happens by Chance in the Chaos, because everything responds to the law of Harmony.