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Changes 2


To enlarge upon the theme of accepting change, or better still to enter the evolutionary stream of which change is a part, we must state:
If the human being understands that he MUST change and endorse the vibrational change affecting the Earth, if he is determined enough to endorse Evolution, then the human being will evolve.
It his intention that puts him in the positive polarity and so he already forms an alliance with Evolution, it is as if he has already evolved.
This of course refers to the level of the intention.
The following question is: “But what must I do in a practical earthly way so that this can happen? “
To make this happen you simply need to develop the events that Life offers you HERE and NOW, doing it in the best way from an Evolutionary point of view, forcing yourself not to use earthly situations only as a means of enhancing your personality and gratifying the Mind with too many thoughts and ruminations, but instead, you should try to understand that what Life offers you must be developed from the viewpoint of energetic value.
To understand that Life is not simply offering an event, a meeting, a difficulty or a moment of joy in itself, but through these situations you are being taught something.
We adhere to change when we want to understand the teaching in every gesture we make, because we no longer desire only earthly, material satisfaction and a visible result, but we have understood that the visible result is only a tiny part of what Life is offering us.
The predominant element is the teaching or lesson that Life wants us to have.
For all this to happen we must start from the assumption that the human being feels part of the Whole, of Life, of Evolution.
It can be difficult to feel part of the Whole, but this can be partially overcome trying to visualize yourself not only as a single physical entity with a Body, Anima and energetic Spirit, inhabited with a personality and an Instinct ( which however is not perceived clearly when the personality is too dominant), but by thinking of yourself as a cell in an immense totality.
Thinking in this way, automatically makes you feel part of the Whole.
The cell of the human body IS the human body because it is part of that body, and it cannot be considered a single element but is connected to the body that contains it.
If the body did not exist, neither would the cell.
The cell of that body is also that body, and the human being is a cell of the Whole, therefore it is also the Whole. Each being has value, characteristics and different functions, just as each cell in the body has different functions.
Trying to understand this leads you to accepting what Life offers you without wanting something different or trying to be something you are not.
From the moment we recognize that Life’s role is to guide us, we can abandon ourselves with Serenity and Humility and especially with Awareness of the lesson that Life is offering us.
Then it follows that we can use this change in the best way because we already are part of it, because we want to be part of it, and we know that change happens in a positive way, and will surely lead us to an evolutionary state that is better than the one we have NOW.
Further more we are able to follow this change because it is NOT determined by our Mind. With the Mind we have chosen change because we feel it is right. Afterwards our task is only to follow Life, embrace it and let it guide us.
It is Life that tells us where we must go, how we should reflect, if we should change direction or not, if it is worthwhile thinking about someone or something.
All this is suggested by our Instinct, at it is very strong when we abandon ourselves to Life, then it is no longer filtered by the personality, by control and human desires: and when Life becomes supreme, the Instinct lets everything flow and the Energy conducts us where we must go: towards Evolution.

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