In few situations you are conscious and aware of what the situations are for you. Most of the time you live the experiences that life is offering you in a superficial way, in a hurry, without paying much attention to what you are doing. This is an attitude that leads...

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Inner Silence

In order to join our Instinct and listen to it every single moment, so that its voice and its stirring dominate our Mind and don’t end up in the chaos of our thoughts, we have to make a great inner silence. We don’t need the will. This doesn’t mean living...

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Joy of Life

We often find Life hard, a set of adverse circumstances, and we live hard even easy situations, putting more effort than Life requires. When I talk about Joy I mean a motion of the Soul, a vibration that must use all cells. The Joy itself is Lightness, it is Relativity,...

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When I talk about negativity I mean negative wakes, negative thoughts and negative frequencies. Generally speaking, negativity is something that is linked to others creating negativity and sending it to us. In this way, we are surrounded by a negative field. It is necessary to be clear about this issue,...

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Lightness is important: you have to be light. When we face annoying events or situations we don’t have to play the victim and think about how to escape it. On the other side, we don’t have to feel we are great when we attracted a gratifying situation. You have to...

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