Energetic “Rolling”

  Harmonious beings “Roll” in the vibrations, and are not subject to external interference. Having said this I want to remind you that you are not only material beings, you are energetic beings too. To let yourself roll in the vibration means that you absorb every component of the vibration....

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Energetic Evolution

  Let’s consider Evolution as a step that, “paves the way” towards a better Life. This is not a complicated argument, but one that is pertinent to the moment. Let me explain. Evolution for a long time, has always been mostly a biological Evolution, and as a matter of course,...

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  Living Life in a dream often makes it impossible to live it properly. Difficulties and adversity happen every day for the human race, which inevitably leads them to either ignore these obstacles or succeed in dealing with them. This is when the dream to escape from reality and the...

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  This must be taken as a personal message, absolutely personal. Close your eyes and each one of you concentrate on yourselves, because what I am going to say may seem intended for everyone, but as I know who is listening, know your lives and souls, know your vibrations, I...

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Carla’s Discovery

  This meeting is called, “ Experience of an inner journey” because before I was able to “give birth” to these books, I went through a long period of great suffering. It was neither physical nor emotional, but a state of solitude. This sense of solitude was so profound, so...

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  When talking of Awareness we must consider it as something that belongs to the Energetic part of us, rather than to the mind. I will explain this better. To be aware, first of all we must use our Minds: it is the Mind which tells us how attentive we...

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Reunite with the divine within us

  To talk about religion is wonderful, but to talk about spirituality is wise and on a higher level. Let us talk about spirituality rather that religiousness. When we reach spirituality we transcend religiousness, because there are no divergencies any longer. Within us is the divine, and the divine is...

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Let us now talk about Acceleration. It is not a fantasy just concerning the energetic level, but it also involves the practical level. NOW events are seeking each other out, they are colliding, overturning, and resolving situations with unprecedented speed. This Acceleration is taking place so that the human race...

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