
It is difficult to stick to your convictions when other people’s logic is convincing and ….logical. It is not easy to change your own logical viewpoint, but it is not impossible either. Why is it sometimes necessary to change? Because your Energy is asking this of you. When does it...

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Living with Joy

  To be able to love with Joy in your heart is good for you. To have Joy within you doesn’t mean only avoiding sad situations, and what we think are burdensome problems. To live with Joy means feeling part of the Whole, knowing that every situation – even burdensome...

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Living with Disharmony

  We can easily understand what living in Harmony with ourselves means: when we think of the word “Harmony” we immediately see something fluid, flowing, something that is right, without obstacles, without mishaps, that flows harmonically. Living in harmony with ourselves also means accepting that part of us that is...

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Living in a Humane Way

  Wanting and hoping for a world of Peace should be natural for the human race. Why isn’t it? This is a question we have to consider. The reason why we feel sad in certain moments is because the explanations and line of reasoning of certain events that is used,...

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Listening to Oneself

  It is easier to listen to oneself once you have quietened the mental torment. If your thoughts are continuously cluttering your mind, then it is impossible. Listening to oneself implies the desire to be in harmony with the most elevated part of the human being, and this falls within...

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  When we speak of the Light, we are speaking about a harmonious frequency that inundates the Earth and all the cosmos, and every second, flows through each of you. The frequency of the Light flows through you all the time, but what do you derive from this frequency? Only...

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  Let me explain more clearly the concept of Life. When we speak of Life, we are talking about an eternal, all-comprehensive vibration, which embraces all the universe. You do not have an exact definition of Life yet, even if you would like to reproduce and understand it, as if...

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Life as a Continuous Prayer

  Our life should be a continuous Prayer, not as a formula but a state of mind, where we recognize that Life is wonderful and we are here to learn. From morning to evening we should feel great gratitude to Life for what we are experiencing. We must believe that...

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Knowing Oneself

  Only with the full awareness of oneself, can the human being really know himself. Why is there always a continuous insistence on the theme of self- knowledge? Because in the way we live and behave, there are things that annoy us, irritate and bother us, things that we are...

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Keeping Positive

  When the human being makes an effort and manages to get out of the negative polarity incompatible with him, and above all is able to stay positive for a long period of time, he can be defined as “a divine being” because at last he has managed to arrive...

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