Once Again…Fear

  We have talked about fear many many times, but NOW we really need to get it straight, so that we can exorcize it. The human being can let himself be conditioned by all his daily events, and be unable to discern and understand how this can deliberately lead him...

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Now Joy

  Let us fill our thoughts with Joy. Let us force ourselves to see Life with Joy. To always assess the difficulties, to always stop when faced with the tedious side of Life, burdensome and negative, doesn’t help us to live in a better way, and most of all, it...

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Not Everything is what it seems

  Not everything is what it seems, sometimes unimportant events move mountains of Awareness, and great events can leave us indifferent. What makes these events different? The vibration within the event. Who or what engenders the vibration? Evolution. Evolution is a perfect cosmic Force, programmed by the Divine, and operating...

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Message 2

  Everyone hold hands in a metaphorical way, and consider that every step you take, every situation you develop, every event you try to understand, to cope with in the best way, results in an enhancement throughout the cosmos. This enhancement will return to you because you stimulated it, thus...

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Message 1

  Relax mentally, do not think, free yourselves from fear and anxiety. be like a small child who is without fear and completely trusts in Life never doubting that there will be an answer to whatever he needs. This mental approach is important as it allows the situations that Life...

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  Thank yourselves for what you are………………… Let your hearts be moved…………….. You love yourselves………..You love………………….Don’t dissipate the Love you have for yourselves…………………….. Let Silence be your companion, a true companion of your life….. ………let it be a practical Silence: very little noise………..very little confusion……………and most of all very few...

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Making and Empty Space Within Us

To completely relax, we must try to make an empty space within us. It is extremely difficult to create this space within our Minds, because our thoughts never cease, and continue endlessly. So how can we do it? First by concentrating on our breathing in the classic way,: I breathe...

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Love Yourselves

  Let us discuss what should be the essence of how we live. Love for ourselves. Without this, we are just fooling ourselves, no matter what method we use to advance to what is defined as spirituality. Methods that will always lead us away from ourselves. Only Love for ourselves...

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Love Always

  I want to speak to you now about how you should view death, this inevitable moment of Life for each of us: you must not think of the here and the hereafter as two separate entities, but as one that is part of the divine dimension. WHO YOU HAVE...

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  Try not to feel lonely. The human being often feels this way, but mainly it is a sensation that hides in the Soul, even when everything seems to be all right, and one feels sociable and accepted in society. Loneliness, the feeling of being alone and lost, is something...

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