
  While we are relaxing, let us think of the ailments that are bothering us at this moment………………..those places in our body that are blocked: the head….the neck……shoulders……the chest….legs….arms………..if we visualize these obstructions, if we think that we have problems with our internal organs, we must acknowledge it…………they exist…………….but they...

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(Translator’s note: in English, “Relativity” as a noun is either Einstein’s theory, or the absence of standards of absolute and universal application, like moral relativity. In this message, “relativity” ( translated exactly from the Italian) is used in the comparable form, e.g. relative to……; in relation to……. etc. and to...

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Recovering the Zest for Life

  How can one recover the ability, the will and the joie de vivre? You have to start by asking yourself why you are depressed, what triggered the depression within you, and it is usually the failure of your expectations, your delusions. The moment we have expectations we risk having...

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  What is happening in the world should be observed in a different way: you should always think in terms of personal events, unique, yours. The positive and negative Forces challenge and fight each other, but they are one, not disintegrated: they attract and stimulate the single Energies that are...

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Physical Suffering

  When our Energy uses physical pain to make us understand something, it is because our personality is not retentive, and neither is it willing to understand in another way. It is not that our Energy chooses physical suffering to hurt or punish us: it is only a means used...

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  Imagine that you are looking at a flower…………….any kind of flower, one that you like. You are a petal………………………..the person near you is another petal…………..and so on. There is a field full of flowers………………full of petals in harmony with each other……….so many flowers, the rose, the daisy, the peony,...

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  Let us address the “chaotic” issue of the personality. The formation of the personality is based on the human being’s genetical characteristics, and those of his family, society, and environment, and above all on how all these are utilised. Completely harmonious personalities don’t exist, there’s always the need to...

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Perfect Beings

  Today we are going on a fascinating journey. We are already immersed within ourselves, we have searched for the dark corners, the strength to overcome tiresome situations, we have experimented the desire for self knowledge. NOW, perceiving ourselves as perfect, we enter within ourselves. We have never done this...

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  Today’s exercise is to understand how to deal with the burdens Life places upon us, the setbacks and obstructions she gives us, and the deviations she provides, regardless of our mental programming. Let us use a different method: the first “commandment” is not to rebel, because when Life offers...

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