
  Smile at what life gives you, smile at yourself, let the moment you are living now, make you smile. There is Joy when you smile, and in Joy there is the acceptance of Life. Accepting Life there is Harmony, and in Harmony one reaches the divine. All these however,...

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Simplicity and Complexity

  We often hear that on earth during this period, humanity is moving towards Simplicity, but is frequently confused with Superficiality or Crudeness, and so the complex thought is rejected. Young people are accused of not being able to manage Complexity, because they are on a mental stream that is...

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  To enter the era of Sharing can seem complicated and problematic, because even if Sharing is a natural instinct for the human being, ( just as children do) as adults they have forgotten this prerogative. Why do people not want to share? Because then they have to give prominence...

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  In comparison to the previous Paradigm, sexuality is different in the New Paradigm. Its main implication is a clear and unavoidable adherence to oneself. Male and female genders should be regarded only from a biological or physical perspective. The behavior characteristics and particularly the energetic characteristics that each person...

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Self-Confidence 2

  How can we be self-confident? How can we surrender to the flow of Life with the Awareness that it is Life itself that guides us, and not our Minds? The easiest way to attain the state of Surrender is by understanding how we see ourselves. What are we? A...

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Self-Confidence and Control

  How can we be self-confident? How can we surrender ourselves to Life’s flow with the Awareness that it is Life that must guide us, not our Minds? The easiest way to achieve Surrender is to understand how we see ourselves. What are we? Are we a personality, just earthly...

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  Let us think about this idea: if I am part of the divine, if I am part of a marvelous, perfect organism, why do I not feel perfect? Why do I continue to live feeling imperfect? Let us discuss this point: as part of the divine we have all...

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Say no to Fear

  Let us breathe deeply and make space within us. Thoughts go away, We are alone with ourselves. Try to say no to the Fear that we sometimes feel, and can lead us away from the desire to possess a deeper knowledge of ourselves. KNOW ONESELF, ACCEPT ONESELF, LOVE ONESELF:...

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  Restlessness can sometimes be good for you, but it does not always produce immediate results. The relief that it gives – or may give – your complaints or agitation does not correspond to your expectations. If your nature is like this, complaining is part of your character. If you...

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Remind Yourself

  Reminding yourselves of Being in every second of your earthly Life, means that you will NEVER mystify your emotions, and you will know how to control your reactions, which will ALWAYS be permeated with the divine. Miserable and poor are those who think they have arrived because they are...

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