Trials or Experiences

  Every time we feel afraid, every time we are tempted to see the future as black, we must stop for a moment, accept the Fear and ask ourselves: “Why am I on this Earth? Is my Fear justified?” This is the thought we must have in reaction to Fear....

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To Take Stock of the Situation

  We will divide the following writing into two parts: one will be taking stock of the general situation; where is humanity going in this present moment; and the other part concerns you being called on to take stock of your personal situation. Why? Because the Forces on Earth are...

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To Surrender

  Today’s theme is Surrender. How you can Surrender and how you can work towards making it the main aspiration of your Life. To surrender yourself to the flow of events is natural, it should be natural for the human being not to hesitate in front of obstacles, not to...

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To Surrender to Yourself

  Let us concentrate now on a subject that we have already talked about many times, and yet it is still not totally understood: To Surrender to Life. We have already said that the wise way to live is that of surrendering ourselves. When we surrender ourselves, it is presumed...

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To Surrender Oneself

  Let us place within ourselves the vibration of Surrender. We are Surrendering to the stream of Life. In Surrendering there is the Awareness that every moment that we live, leads us to an evolutive state of greater consciousness. We Surrender ourselves with a certainty that surrendering to Life cannot...

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To See Ourselves as “New”

  Let us make an effort to “perceive” ourselves as new, it is different from understanding ourselves. To understand ourselves means analyzing events, using the mind, comparing what is happening with other situations, other people: to “perceive” means giving space to our instinct, to our deepest urges, that sometimes are...

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Re-unite with your Self

  When Life allows us to live in a harmonious way and everything that happens to us is compatible with our aspirations, then we are united to our deepest Self, and incorporated in the divine course of life. Often disharmony rules our thoughts and acts, and so it is not...

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To Persist in Wanting

  You don’t always get what you want. This is a rule that regards everyone. However the interesting thing is the way that each of us reacts to this fact. If I don’t get something I blame it on bad luck, or stubbornly persist, thinking that in doing so I...

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To Overcome the Problem

  The following text is to help you remove that particular thorn, that each of you are putting up with, in your own Life. By now we have understood how to deal with thoughts without letting ourselves be either overwhelmed or disheartened. NOW, we wish to remove certain thoughts, because...

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