Be Uncomplicated | Carla Parola Official website Be Uncomplicated – Carla Parola Official website
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Be Uncomplicated


Let us deal with a topic that must be considered as the basis of Life: the unity of the human being.
This is extremely important because, if we want to perceive ourselves as in separate sections, each one detached from the other, ,we will wrong ourselves, and do nothing else but “feed” our Minds (the mental part)which will ONLY be satisfied after a full immersion of Humility.
Every time we want to know something more stimulates us to want even more, and doing this we forget that instead we should “listen” rather that understand.
The more we “feed” our Minds, the less we “feed” our ability to “listen”, and so the less we are able to listen to our Instinct.
This happens when we want to analyze ourselves but sectioned off in different parts.
We are ONE, and as such, even if we change a single aspect, we set in motion an alteration that affects our emotional sphere, the most sensitive part of us. This must make us reason in a very simple way: if we are ONE, why should we consider so many things as important and in doing so, lose the ability to live with simplicity.
If we continue to think in a complicated way, we become complicated, and our Minds develop out of all proportion, not meaning that we acquire greater ability in understanding, but only to access more information, and then all this information gets mixed up in our heads and creates a terrible confusion.
The advice I can give you regarding these thoughts is just one: extreme simplicity is needed if you want to live well. The human being cannot be contorted and complex and in particular he is not so mysterious as certain theories would have us believe.
When the human being manages to live as a unity, in simplicity, he is uncomplicated.
It is Life that undertakes to supply us with the right spirit so that Harmony becomes our patrimony.
The mind does not accept this because it wants to know, understand, confront and get to the bottom of everything, and this is not always a good idea, especially when all this happens at the expense of the simplicity of our thoughts, and does not enrich our energy, actually it is just a waste of energy and a great confusion.
Be simple, very simple.
See yourselves as a divine spark, that has within it all the capacity for progressing, to exalt the divine, and above all, to live in Harmony.
Harmony = simplicity.
Mental contortions may well encourage our pleasure in knowing and understanding, but rarely gives us serenity.
At a certain point, we need courage to stop and to decide if what we know is already too much, then we must reduce this need for information, and live with great simplicity.

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