It is not easy to deal with the vibration of Arrogance.
The arrogant person is in continuous conflict with himself and the world around him.
He never considers the needs of others, but always puts himself first.
The arrogant person has little understanding of himself: he sees himself as irreproachable, a straightforward person.
However, when he meets another arrogant person…he feels deflated. Both of them back down, and take a defensive attitude not wanting to tread on the other’s toes.
Being arrogant creates a slight energetic imbalance because Arrogance is a fastidious vibration, not corrosive.
The arrogant person rarely tries to better himself because he is unaware of the disharmony in his self.
He is satisfied when, regardless of the outcome, he gets the better of others and coerces them; once he has realized what he wants to do, he doesn’t give it any more thought.
Pride is a powerful and corrosive vibration, and is a great obstacle to Evolution. The person dominated by Pride tends to underestimate his interior instincts, which are making him feel uneasy every time his Pride takes over.
It is an “antique” vibration, meaning that it is fixed in our energetic DNA, it is not a temporary vibration.
Pride is not always negative, and if the individual has a real, healthy knowledge of himself, he can be justifiably proud: proud of the path he has chosen, of the efforts he makes to improve himself, and above all, of the Awareness that permeates his actions.
When we say that Pride is an “antique” vibration, we mean that as being part of the divine has always been imbedded in our Energy, it is impossible that being proud of this, can be considered negative.
When Pride is lived in a negative way, a fracture is created between the energetic part which urges us towards Evolution, and the mental part that thinks it is already there.
The proud person thinks he is always superior to others, and takes for granted privileged situations that Life offers him to reflect. Of course he does not reflect because he is convinced that privileges are his prerogative.
There is no interior peace for the proud person who lives this vibration negatively, because his Energy will continually urge him to reflect. Even if he finds it difficult to achieve Harmony, it is not impossible. He could receive great help if he consciously activates the vibration of Humility.
To grow old with pride in the positive polarity is a great privilege. This person reaches the full knowledge of himself, and lives every moment with extreme Awareness.
To grow old with pride in the negative polarity, makes the individual surly and withdrawn, a misanthrope always anxious to avoid facing up to others.
You will not know how to deal with the situations Life offers you, if your traveling companion is Self-importance.
Self-importance has it’s roots in the personality, not in the Energy, consequently the self-important person has difficulty in recognizing himself as one, because unlike the negative proud person, he does not feel a constant uneasiness.
Usually Self-importance generates from the lack of self knowledge.
The individual sees himself as unique, totally sure of himself, and will only pay attention to his surroundings if they are relevant to himself. Not however with a wish to improve himself, but just as an endorsement of his own ego.
To be Self-important, makes life burdensome, it cannot be lived in a Lighthearted way: everything has to be lived as a celebration of his ego, and when circumstances become unfavorable to him, he retires, pretending a Humility he doesn’t feel, using this false modesty to shield himself from the emotions that are destabilizing him.
Any confrontation with another person can neither be serene nor constructive. He will always feel “attacked” by other people’s opinion of him. This will make him withdraw even more, and observe his surroundings with diffidence and be uncooperative.
The Self-important person creates discontinuity in his Energy, because as his Life does not flow smoothly, it “blocks” his emotions, and consequently the flow of information that the Energy asks for.
Self-importance only has a positive polarity to balance the negative polarity: one cannot be self-important in a positive way.
Therefore, this vibration must be controlled and managed with great attention, and to make it harmless, you need to understand its
origins. Usually it stems from the lack of self knowledge, and the refusal to “work” towards self-improvement.
Sometimes the self-important person feels he is an extremely coherent individual without hidden sides to him, and he behaves as if he is the only one who has needs. Other people’s needs are always underrated, and this happens because the self-important person feels that he cannot help others as he is ignorant of how to improve himself. He is often aware of this incapacity, and he defends himself by ignoring others, and avoiding every confrontation with them.
The result is an evident insecurity that leads to him retreating even more from contact with people.
Parents must take great care of children supposedly timid: often Timidness is the antechamber to Self-importance.