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This is a very simple message, and above all it is one that you have already within yourselves.
I am not going to tell you anything new, I just want to animate the desire to believe in yourselves in a lighthearted way.
I am insisting now on being lighthearted because our society is really oppressive, a consequence of the emerging New Paradigm that is displacing the Old Paradigm. This latter system resists, and unfortunately it is the media and part of our society still attached to the Old Paradigm that determines this oppressiveness. However it is destined to come to an end and the New Paradigm will take its place
Now, to take root, the New Paradigm needs coherence and lightheartedness.
If you take part in everything that is on public display, if you allow yourselves to be depressed by it, if you enter the roundabout of fear, you will be contributing nothing to establishing the New.
You need to observe what the Old Paradigm produces as “something” destined to fade away, even if it is reluctant. This is why they yell and are agitated: they do not want to leave the stage, but the New is imminent. However all these manifestations will certainly end.
You must be convinced and aware that the New is consolidating, and you are already part of it. You feel it, you want it to be part of your Life, to be a witness to it, therefore you can only act in a lighthearted way.
When a situation is burdensome, avoid being rigid or get involved in sterile discussions that do not really concern you, because you have already a clear vision of how things should be.
The advice I offer you is to express yourselves and your thoughts only when you feel that you are accepted and understood, and sure that you will not draw a blank.
It is better to be silent than try to be assertive or impose oneself on others.
You know that you are part of the New, and to live in the vibration of Love, of sharing makes you feel better than adhering to a heavy vibration that degrades you.
Keep these convictions to yourself, share them only with those who can understand you and wait with great serenity and faith for the New Paradigm to finally consolidate and throw out the Old, with all the best forces we NOW have.

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