This is a fascinating voyage, to enter within ourselves, within our Being, to understand how we are part of the Whole, and how we can “get” there.
There is no empty space within us, neither on a physical level ( because we are made up of elements) nor on an emotional level (because we are a combination of sensations, emotions and perceptions)
There is no emptiness even on the mental level, as thoughts are continuously passing through our minds.
We are inclined to think that all this is ours, and that we generate it, but it is a mistake to think in this way, this is all part of something that we can already define as the Whole.
On the material level, we are made up of a body of elements that we have in common with nature, so WE ARE nature.
Our emotions and perceptions are collective, because they are caused by events and sensations created by others, and by our reactions in particular situations.
Our thoughts are only ours, depending on our ability to “select” them from the Whole.
Thoughts are part of the Whole, and in this sense, it is really thinking material.
These thoughts are also made up of vibrations on different frequencies, and we attract them according to our ability to manage them.
It is unlikely that an academic or philosophical thought would invade the mind of an uneducated person. He does not need this kind of thought, and so as nature’s providence is perfect, he will not attract it.
However, when we are disturbed by annoying and irritating thoughts, which push us in directions that can even be dangerous, we think: what am I thinking? We identify ourselves with that thought, and complicate Life, sometimes even to the point of ruining it.
The mechanism is always the same, we have attracted that thought, which is part of the Whole, and where it, and its opposite, can be found. We ask ourselves why we have attracted that particular thought, why do we allow ourselves to “influence” Life, why are we becoming that thought? Simply because, in that that moment, we did not Love ourselves enough. If we do not Love ourselves we attract “negative” thoughts. Nearby however, there was a “positive” thought.
As we have lowered the intensity of our vibration by entering the orbit of pessimism, fear, anxiety and poor self esteem, we have activated a negative thought.
How can we neutralize all this? By returning to a positive thought, and the ability which is inherent in us, to “take” only the positive part. We must do this with Humility, feeling part of the Whole, and silencing our Ego and our Mind; by trying to love and accept ourselves, and above all, always remembering that we are creatures immersed in a Universe of Love.
We can call the Whole, obscure, empty material, but the vibration is one of Love.
It is the vibration of positiveness, of the Evolution that moves the Universe, the Earth, us and our cells. When Love is missing, the cells become “ill” I am not speaking of Love in an “abstract” way, I mean the vibration, the frequency of Love.
NOW it is understood, that illness and health problems mostly have their origins in the psyche, and that we push our physical bodies into an unhealthy condition, through stress, lack of self esteem, fear, anxiety, and endlessly wanting something more than we already have.
Illness is a moment of evolution, an awakening of our conscience, as reflecting on our very Being.
Why is it important to go beyond ourselves to reach the Whole?
Because, when we have accepted the reality that we are made up of the same elements as all nature is, we begin to see ourselves as one with nature, “Us” no longer “I” but part of the Whole.
We reflect and accept that our sensations and emotions are often triggered by others, and therefore they are not exclusively ours. All we do is deal with them, but the sensations and perceptions come from the Whole.
So now we have taken a step further: we feel even more to be part of the Whole.
When we accept that we are not the authors of out thoughts, but we possess the ability to attract them, we must just ask ourselves why we have chosen that particular thought.
In the first phase when the vibration is still “low” when the knowledge of ourselves is still rather superficial, then we think that the thought comes from our Mind and our cravings and desire to understand and possess.
Nevertheless, when we raise the vibration to a greater intensity, when we have already completely accepted ourselves with Love, we are also able to understand that as we are part of this Whole, the Whole interacts lovingly with us and so it is the Whole who sends us the thought, because within us we are connected to it.
We are made up of vibrations and frequencies: our bodies are held together by frequencies, on the emotional level, the frequency of the soul, and on the most elevated spiritual level, the expression of our Energy.
When we are able to activate these frequencies, and be conscious of also being Spirit, we interact with the Whole on a very high level, therefore our needs do not come only from our material and emotional part, but also from our Energetic part, aware that the human being’s task is Evolution, or in other words, to find Harmony within yourself. For this reason, let us go beyond ourselves, so that we can reach these high frequencies, that are not the patrimony of a few, but are there for everyone.
The human being is divine, and within him are the divine codes. In the DNA of every being there is the divine part.You need to make an effort not to give the divine, those characteristics taught by the various religions, seeing the divine only as a spiritual part of you. It is the Spirit, the Energy, the moving force of the Universe, at the highest frequency that we can comprehend, where entrance is not denied to us who live in a three dimensional material world.
We can “expand” in the Universe when we have overcome this concept, and understand that the cosmic Forces that pass through us, also permeate us.
When we accept this, we are happy to be influenced by these Forces. We are not being conditioned for power, it is the Love of who wishes to save unification, of who really wants Humanity to be part of the Whole, an important part that cannot fail the task of Salvation.
The Universe, the Whole is there, and every time we have negative thought, a doubt or fear, let us remember that it is only restricted to a part of us, to the “I” and not to the “Us”
We can get over all this by feeling that we are part of a Whole, and asking for help.
When we ask God, we are asking for help from the highest part within us.
Let us repeat: have faith, let yourselves be permeated and conditioned by the Whole, do not resist.
We must feel fluid, completely in the hands of the Whole. It is a different way of living, a new paradigm that is NOW emerging.
There always has been, NOW, it is the patrimony of many, before, it was only for a few.
Let us work together so that it becomes the patrimony of everyone.