Желание понять других, не понимая собственное «я», приводит к дистоническому образу жизни. Сконцентрируйся на себе.
Желание понять других, не понимая собственное «я», приводит к дистоническому образу жизни. Сконцентрируйся на себе.
Противопоставлять себя другим может послужить, если ты не остановишься на видимости. Ищи в других Сущность и найдёшь Свою.
It is useless feeling guilty about events we have endured but not provoked. Think about it.
Per risvegliare l’Energia bisogna Innanzitutto divenire consapevoli di Essere Energia. Se non partiamo da Questo Presupposto non riusciamo a risvegliare Nulla. Per non tradire la Propria Natura di Essere Cosmico (e non solo e semplicemente Terreno), Ogni Individuo deve arrivare a percepirsi come Energia. L’Essere Umano abita la Materia...
In this precise moment that we are living NOW, the self-esteem theme is so heart-felt because we derive a sense of security about our way of living from it. NOW the human being is disoriented and insecure, because there are no more fixed points, undisputed perspectives, and the future...
Ищи больше уверенности в себе. Не поддавайся воздействию со стороны других.
Basing oneself on the judgment of others is an unsound way of avoiding judging oneself. Judge yourself with Love, Understanding and Benevolence. You will receive many benefits. Let the Joy you feel within you intensify. Allow it to invade everything that surrounds you. Let yourself be infected with Happiness...
To stay sitting and wait for events is healthy only if we have already done everything possible. Otherwise it is only Laziness or Inertia.
Inalță ochii la cer. Dă drumul să plece din minte oricărui gând hărțuitor. Lasă să coboare în tine siguranța că totul va merge așa cum trebuie, așa cum viața va dori.