Killer Thoughts

  Let our minds relax and try and concentrate. Not everything that passes through our minds deserves our attention; there are thoughts that bother you, that creep up on you like woodworm running around in your heads while you try and chase them away, but they really are like the...

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  The concept of Karma needs to be clarified, as the way you define it is quite misleading. I have already said that to say that there are previous lives is totally absurd. There are no previous lives because the Energy is timeless. Naturally there is neither a previous life...

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  Nothing is more damaging than the negative feeling of jealousy. To be jealous is only a crude way of indicating an emotional disturbance, with many causes and facets. JEALOUSY = TOO LITTLE OR TOO MUCH SELF- CONFIDENCE. To little self-confidence, makes you constantly afraid that you are not as...

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Interpreting the Signs

  Life is a wonderful, uncomplicated teacher, but it is important that you understand the mechanism. If I want to learn a new language, and the teacher speaks to me in that language, it is useless for me to carry on speaking my own language, I must listen to the...

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Instinct and Morality

  Instinct and morality are incompatible. Instinct is absolutely personal, each of us perceives our OWN instinct. Morality is applicable to everyone. Today’s morality is different to the morality of 20 years ago, it is not part of the NOW, just as the medieval morality is not part of Now,...

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The Ego = The Self

Let our Minds be relaxed and try to create a void where we can consider this phrase: The Ego = The Self. Forcing ourselves NOW to think of ourselves not as an Ego ( an individual, a cohesion of characteristics, personalities and feelings), but to see ourselves as Energy placed...

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Here and Now

  Let us try to concentrate on the present moment. The present moment: here and now. Why do I insist so much on the theme of the present moment? I have already explained to you that to live in the present moment means not to let your thoughts travel ahead...

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Harmony and Disharmony

  When we talk about Harmony we mean harmony at every level. Primordial Harmony is the Harmony of the cells, material Harmony, concerning the formation of physical matter. You are made up of these cells and these cells must be harmonious. To search for Harmony means to feel well physically....

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  I give you the following image, to help you to understand the idea of God. If you observe the planet Earth, you see that it is clearly a single entity, we cannot say that it is divided, or that there is more than one. There is one planet Earth,...

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Future Events

  What I am going to talk about now is extremely important. When people make hypothetical statements about events on certain dates ( for example 2012), particularly about catastrophes in the “future”, we must be careful to maintain within ourselves this certainty: everyone will be exactly where he is supposed...

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