The One

  The One is simply the energetic union of the many multiple vibrations that form the frequencies, they are grouped and selected according to their “type.” To move towards the One means “uniting” the various vibrations, so that the resulting frequencies are harmonic, and are at ONE with the Whole....

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  Let’s try to clarify a point that not everyone has clearly understood: how to live the present moment, how to live NOW. Close your eyes, because you must shut down your mind and enter within yourselves, just letting your emotional perceptions flower and expand. Listen more with your heart...

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  Now let’s talk about Nostalgia. Nostalgia for the past, for what we were, for what we have done and for what Life gave us. What feeling, or rather what vibration is Nostalgia? It is a tender vibration, but if it lasts too long it can cause our Energy to...

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MULTIVERSE (meaning more than one Universe) Previously we have discussed the Universe, today we will go ahead and talk about the Multiverse.(meaning more than one Universe) What is the Multiverse? They are a multiplicity of dimensions that are around you, but above all within you. You must always bear this...

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Male and Female

  The Energy has always been male and female, but it is a mistake to say, “has been” as the Energy Is. Therefore, on the various vibration levels, it Is both male and female. However, the moment that this Energy permeates a male or female body, it has the characteristics...

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Love and Vibrations

  Love produces Energy: it is the Energy that makes the body vibrate and move. EVERYTHING in the cosmos vibrates and all bodies vibrate. A body becomes a body through vibration. The higher the vibrational frequency, the more the being becomes matter, up to the point that it becomes visible....

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Loneliness and Regrests

  Loneliness and regrets are the sins of today’s humanity. Alone and sad. Alone and bitter for what they have not got, and never, really never, do they regret what they are unable to Be. To be conscious of your mistakes, to be perceptive in accepting doubts, and brave when...

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Living without Fear

  NEVER think about tomorrow. Thinking about tomorrow is destabilizing. Live in the NOW, this is the only way to be serene and in harmony with yourself. Nowadays, tomorrow can be Frightening, or induce Hope, sometimes be marvelous or sometimes be destabilizing. These last two conditions are wrong because they...

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Knowledge and Awareness

  Today we have dealt with many subjects, but you need to consider especially one thing: how the human being expresses and emits his willpower in his search for Awareness. By Knowledge, I don’t mean something that can only be assimilated by the Mind, it is rather something that must...

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