The Therapist

  Now let’s deal with a new issue: the person who seeks help from a therapist to understand themselves, and above all to get well. Why does someone feel the need to do this instead of following traditional medicine, or at least together with traditional medicine. Often there aren’t any...

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The Strenght of the “Last Ones”

( The Last Ones are The Forgotten Ones, The Poor, The Unloved, The Derided, The Shunned, The Disparaged, The Unworthy etc., as considered by today’s social standards.) The “Last Ones” is an expression often used in an offensive way without either Charity or Understanding.” The Last Ones” are a splendid...

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The Moment to Forgive

  When is it the right moment to forgive? The right moment is when your thoughts move towards that particular circumstance, or when you find that Life has again put you in a similar situation or with similar people. While the situation is vague, it will remain hidden within you....

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The Lightness of Being

  The Lightness of Being, of living. The Lightness of living cannot exist if there is not a Lightness of Being, and there cannot be a Lightness in the human being if his priorities are his own personality and his Ego. Why is it so important to live with Lightness?...

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The Law of Attraction

  Let us focus on the issue of The Law of Attraction. When we speak about this Law, obviously we are referring to the Attraction one Energy has towards another Energy. Most importantly, we are referring to the Force that is within us, and allows us to attract other forces...

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The Family

The subject we must discuss today is of vital importance, it is the family situation and its affect on the human being. By family I mean all those people who are in close contact with the individual and have some influence over him.They can be the natural or adoptive parents,...

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The Divine Frequency

  Only by acting in a correct and attentive way can guarantee that you will arrive at your destination. What destination has been planned for the human being? A committed coalescence between Instinct and Reasoning, and the Mind and the Psyche. The first operates on an earthly frequencies, the second...

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The Taliban

  Let us now develop an important concept. Everyone automatically “chooses” his own Life, “chooses” the conditions he is going to live in, to be either a man or a woman, from the East or the West, healthy or sick, disabled or super fit, etc. This is all part of...

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  For NOW, the discussion about the mechanisms that regulate Energy, the motor and source of all the Universe is concluded. Those who have followed and put into practice the principles derived from the Conscious knowledge of these mechanisms, can consider themselves to have arrived at a state of Evolution,...

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  Can the suffering of people we judge to be bad, have any significance in our world? The answer is very easy: first, we must say that bad people do not exist, because, if someone judges this person as bad, someone else can judge the same person as interesting, good...

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