To Listen

  While we relax, let the ability to listen, enter within us. To be able to listen means you are in tune with other people, but first you must be in harmony with yourself. Above all, listening means giving someone your complete attention. To be able to listen attentively, deeply,...

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To Forgive

  It is necessary now for each of you to forgive. It is necessary to forgive, to give yourselves Peace and Serenity. You must not hold within yourselves vibrations that are not suitable for the continuation of your Evolution. Nothing, absolutely nothing must you keep within yourselves that could obscure...

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To Be in tune with God

Only the right perception of Life makes the human being free. For many of you it is difficult to be simply yourselves, because the nature of the individual is not always in tune with its own expectations, or other people’s. Those who do not live adhering to themselves, and are...

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To Be God

  messiah: only when the flow of events is calm and untroubled, is the absolute will of God brought to completion. God, as a unique element, permeated and permeating, allows every cell of his Being to express what both Instinct and Reasoning suggest. To you I say: your intention to...

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To Be free

  The memory of ancient worlds, the call towards new or old ways of living, all these are fluctuating in the cosmos, and become a real asset to those who fearlessly place themselves within them. Old or new ways of living, old, because they have ALWAYS existed, NEW because humanity...

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To Be and not to Appear

    After reaching the state of Being, how can appearance exist anymore? It does not; just a long continuous conversation with your innermost self, between the human self, and the divine self, which becomes imbued with the human and returns to its divine Being, increasingly raising up the earth...

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To Appear and to Be

  The difference between the vibration of Being and that of Appearance is extremely clear. Let me explain, if my actions are aimed at influencing people, and I identify myself in that role, if I want recognition and am very sensitive to what people think of me, then I live...

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To Act

  The message that I am dedicating to you this evening is brief, direct and suitable for each one of you. Don’t think that you are in error. You must absolutely not, in any way, dishonour all the input you have now within you. You can’t ignore what you feel...

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The Universe

  Today let us talk about the universe that is within us. By Universe I mean everything that surrounds us, and I also wish you to reflect on the word Uni-verse, Uni-verso ( In Italian – Uni-verso, “verso” here meaning “towards”.A play on words that is untranslatable, as in English,...

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The Universe within us

  Let us try and make an empty space within us. What you will be told now is the follow-up to what you were told yesterday, we will talk again about the Universe. This time let us talk about the inner Universe, about your feelings, your urges, your state of...

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