Carla’s Discovery

  This meeting is called, “ Experience of an inner journey” because before I was able to “give birth” to these books, I went through a long period of great suffering. It was neither physical nor emotional, but a state of solitude. This sense of solitude was so profound, so...

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Beyond Us

  Beyond us is synonymous with the acceptance of a magnificent reality that puts us in symbiosis with the Whole. Everything as divine Energy, which includes every single thing because it emanates from the Whole, which itself is the expression of a “Force” not perceptible in the human dimension, but...

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Beyond us…the Whole

  This is a fascinating voyage, to enter within ourselves, within our Being, to understand how we are part of the Whole, and how we can “get” there. There is no empty space within us, neither on a physical level ( because we are made up of elements) nor on...

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Be Uncomplicated

  Let us deal with a topic that must be considered as the basis of Life: the unity of the human being. This is extremely important because, if we want to perceive ourselves as in separate sections, each one detached from the other, ,we will wrong ourselves, and do nothing...

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At this moment, why must Awareness be emphasised, stronger, attentive, precise and above all – more coherent? Because now Awareness has invaded the Earth. As it has invaded the Earth, Awareness needs to be consolidated and become the patrimony of everyone, and therefore it is absolutely necessary to do nothing,...

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  Atheism cannot be classified as a single category, but as a group of categories. There can be the atheist who has convinced himself through a thought process, another is an atheist, because he has refused everything that could have persuaded him otherwise, and this has led him towards atheism....

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Anxiety and Fear

  Anxiety and Fear upset human nature, have repercussions on the physical state, alter both thoughts and behavior, and the individual either lacks confidence, or has too much to try to overcome these two Forces. Therefore we must succeed in dominating these two Forces, Anxiety and Fear. NOW, human beings...

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An Appeal

  Never let your earthly side suppress the spiritual side, the Instinct within you and the Force that wants you to triumph in your Life. Do not look for excuses: there is no family, friends or society that can destroy you. You could experience sad, dark periods of great suffering,...

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  This is a very simple message, and above all it is one that you have already within yourselves. I am not going to tell you anything new, I just want to animate the desire to believe in yourselves in a lighthearted way. I am insisting now on being lighthearted...

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