
  How does one recapture the willpower, ability and the zest for life? We need to start by asking ourselves why we feel depressed, what has been the cause that has triggered depression in us, normally the cause is linked to failed expectations and delusions. The moment we have expectations,...

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Dealing with Problems

  Let us talk about how to deal with the problems and difficulties that are part of Life, the salt of Life. If problems did not exist, the human being would never be tested, he would never know if he was able to ”swim” when the sea is rough and...

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  Daydreaming is not always a good thing, sometimes it distracts us from Reality, when we feel that Reality does not satisfy us, but unfortunately daydreaming opens the door to delusion. We have to try to know ourselves better, to analyze our thoughts, and our daydreaming too. To let yourself...

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Culture and Knowledge

  By Culture we mean everything that the human being picks up as information from a source external to himself, so he gathers information, studies, does research and all this forms his Culture. Knowledge can be added to Culture, because this also is lived by the individual after it has...

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Creative Solitude

  Let us abandon ourselves to the Awareness of being part of the Whole. Let us be imbued with the Certainty that we are not alone. We must start from here, from these deliberations, from these thoughts, to try to harmonize within us the most profound vibrations, those that must...

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Continue Being Yourself

  To continue being yourself is wonderful, but to ALWAYS be yourself, is even more wonderful. Being yourself shows that you adhere to your way of thinking and feeling, and this gives you a harmonious interior self that can be perceived externally: in your gestures, your action, your choices. From...

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  Consolation is the act of consoling the person near us, or to feel the need to console ourselves. To receive consolation from others has an important energetic value, because it implies an exchange of positive energy between two beings that prompts a communion of feelings and perceptions. To console...

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Confronting Other People

  When there are arguments among relatives, friends or colleagues, and their behavior differs from yours, the best thing to do is to look on the other person as part of yourself, another part that is unknown to you at that moment, but one that life wants to spotlight. What...

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Communicating with Yourselves

  The best thing that the human being can do is to be dedicated to himself, because when he does this, he is in contact with the “highest” part he can reach. Let me explain. We are always thinking and talking about spirituality, we talk of God….and often we visualize...

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Changes 2

  To enlarge upon the theme of accepting change, or better still to enter the evolutionary stream of which change is a part, we must state: ALL YOU NEED IS DETERMINATION. If the human being understands that he MUST change and endorse the vibrational change affecting the Earth, if he...

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