Why Should You Trust Live?
Why must we convince ourselves that Life cannot be in contrast with itself? Simply because Life is linear, programmed to go towards Evolution, to penetrate every aspect of earthliness, and above all, everything related to the cosmos. All the Universe is pervaded with Life. When you think about yourselves,...
Which Reality?
To be quiet and in tune with yourselves, helps you to evaluate the events that Life offers you in a more favorable way. When you are out of touch with your interior self, there is a risk of distorting Reality. Reality: it is a huge word. There is no...
Where are we going?
Where are we going? This is a question we often ask ourselves now: we have a type of society that is incoherent, that is unable to satisfy the needs of its citizens, a society that rules the all against everything, and everyone in opposition to everyone else. We cannot...
When Time Standstill
When it seems that time standstill, and nothing is happening, that Evolution has stopped and apparently there is no movement within us towards progress, then we must reflect that as we are three dimensional creatures, we need time and space. When we speak of Energy and Awareness, we are talking...